The day they ban DVRs and DVD-RWs is the day that TV watching dramatically 
drops. People have more important things to do then to watch all of the crap 
they like to pump out. If the only way I can watch a TV show is to pay $60 for 
a boxset then guess what, unless it's a show I've already seen and like, it's 
gonna sit there. 
--- In, "ravenadal" <ravena...@...> wrote:
> Court clears way for DVR service
> June 30, 2009
> Click here to find out more!
> -- The Supreme Court cleared the way for cable TV companies to offer their 
> customers a new service that would permit subscribers to copy and store 
> programs for later viewing.
> The justices on Monday turned down an appeal from TV networks and Hollywood 
> studios that contended these unlicensed, extra viewings violate their 
> copyrights. The court's decision to steer clear of this controversy could be 
> an important victory for the cable TV industry and others anxious to serve 
> the growing market for video on demand.
> Cablevision Systems Corp. announced in 2006 that it planned to offer its 
> subscribers the opportunity to select programs that would be stored on its 
> computers. Viewers could have a recording of favorite programs without having 
> their own digital video recorder, the firm said.
> But broadcasters and producers mounted a legal attack against Cablevision and 
> its "remote storage digital video recorder." Their lawyers feared that cable 
> firms and other transmitters could put themselves in position to profit from 
> the extra viewings of their copyrighted programs. By contrast, most 
> video-on-demand services pay a fee to the copyright owners.
> A federal judge briefly blocked Cablevision from moving ahead, but last year 
> the appeals court rejected the broadcasters' copyright claims.
> -- David G. Savage, Tribune Newspapers

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