Syfy explains the 'why' behind the network's name change

Maureen Ryan

TV critic

July 2, 2009

Cable networks have to work extra hard to establish their brands, unlike 
broadcast networks whose longevity and prominence make them difficult to miss.

Through creative advertising campaigns and noteworthy shows, cable networks 
such as TNT, FX, USA and lately AMC have established their identities with the 
public. We tend to know what we'll be getting when we tune in to those 
channels: crafty escapism on USA, sophisticated storytelling on FX, mainstream 
procedurals on TNT and urbane, cinematic drama on AMC.

So why would an established cable network mess with a good thing?

For Sci Fi -- which changes its name to Syfy Tuesday -- it's a matter of 

The old way of doing business -- in which a network merely airs programs and 
collects ad dollars -- won't quite cut it in the multimedia future, said Sci Fi 
president Dave Howe in a recent interview. And the name Sci Fi -- which also 
applies to an entire genre of film, books and other forms of media -- wasn't 
something the network could trademark.

"Nothing gets greenlit unless we believe the business model is much more than 
linear, live viewing," Howe said, citing DVD movies, video games, Webisodes, 
Web sites and iPhone apps as just a few of the multimedia ventures the network 
sees as vital to its future. But Sci Fi wanted to brand those kinds of ventures 
with a name it could own and trademark.

"When people understand the rationale, they do get it," Howe added. "You can't 
have a brand called 'Sport' or 'Drama' or 'News.' It's just not a brand name."

Certainly, awareness of Sci Fi, which was launched in 1992, had grown in recent 
years, especially during the era of the award-winning "Battlestar Galactica," 
which ended its run in March. During Howe's tenure -- he's been at Sci Fi for 
eight years -- the network went from exporting shows to a few other countries 
to shipping programming to more than 50 territories.

As the network expanded worldwide and into multimedia realms, executives wanted 
a more distinctive name, but finding a name that would not only work for the 
network but be available legally and obtainable in the online realm (the 
network's new site will be took two years.

"The issue that we've always had with Sci Fi is that it only communicates three 
things: Space, aliens and the future," Howe said. "That's the default 
perception, and that's a barrier to entry for people who we know like [reality 
fare such as] 'Ghost Hunters' and 'Destination Truth' " as well as "Eureka", 
which returns July 10, and the sprightly and amusing "Warehouse 13," which 
premieres Tuesday.There was a fair amount of mockery, especially in the online 
realm, when the name change was announced in March, but Howe said that compared 
to the cancellation of "Stargate Atlantis," which overwhelmed his e-mail inbox 
for months, he's only gotten a couple of dozen snarky e-mails about the Syfy 

"We expected fans not to like it. The reaction from fans always same default 
reaction -- it's that we're going to abandon the genre," Howe said. "This isn't 
want that's about."

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