Everyone watching the new season of "Eureka"? I must saying I'm enjoying it, 
even more than last season. I think that's because Carter is noticeably more 
instrumental in solving cases than last year. Every ep so far, as the big 
brains discuss string theory, M-branes, and quantum mechanics, Carter's always 
the one guy in the room who cuts through the superficial coverings to get to 
the heart of a problem. Indeed, one wonders how the scientists can do anything: 
as smart as they are, they seem to exemplify what my mom used to say about 
"Book sense, but no common sense". 

Fortunately they have also toned down the Carter-is-kinda-dumb thing too. 
Tracey mentioned that last year that had gotten out of hand. There are still 
some moments like that, but I frankly don't think they're needed. Carter's 
obviously not a supergenius, so let's lose the "Uh...English please? I'm 
clueless" schtick. A couple of weeks ago, for example, Allison spoke of the 
space object coming to Earth in 126 hours, and Carter looks confused. Allison 
then had to amend and say "five days"! Give me a break: you telling me Carter, 
an intelligent and highly competent man of the law, can't figure that out? 
Again, good thing that angle is being minimized. 

Some other thoughts on the show: 

* I like the new lady brought in, who runs Section 5 (?) At first she irritated 
the hell out of me by belittling Carter's intelligence, but I like the tender 
side and sense and humour she has. 

* Good to see that Carter is falling for the new scientist. For some reason I 
never really liked his love for Allison, and it's less appealing to me this 
season for some reason. I say let that angle die, and let him move on. 
* Anyone know why the guy who played allison's ex- and new-husband left the 
show? I thought he was coming back, but here he's on "True Blood" now. 

* When is Henry going to get a life and a love? I hate what they did by killing 
off his love, and this recent--spoiler!--storyline of bringing back a 
computerized copy of her, then killing it off? WTF?! And speaking of that, 
Henry is mayor now, but doesn't seem to do any mayoral stuff. He basically 
still sports the mechanics' garb, when he's not at GD running experiments. Does 
he even have an office at city hall? 
* Carter is sheriff, charged with keeping all law and protecting everyone in 
the town, including those at Global Dynamics. Yet he doesn't have a high 
security clearance. Allison refused to discuss the oncoming spaceship with him 
because of that, and that top secret section that's been reopened is off limits 
to him without an escort. Okay, I guess I'm confused: if he's "only" the 
sheriff, maybe he wouldn't have top secret clearance to everything at GD. But, 
more times than I can count, Carter risks his life by entering some high 
dangerous lab to fight a creature of living ooze, gravity wells, etc. In fact, 
Carter's the *only* person who consistently tackles these dangers, which 
usually means he's finally brought in to these top secret discussions. Is it 
logical, therefore, for his clearance to be relatively low? 

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