Mr Worf, reading this reminded me that we may not have that long...

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant

Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 16:41:37 -0700
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Suicidal planet seems on death spiral into star


                  About 4.5 Billion years give or take. 

On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 4:18 PM,  <> wrote:

This is interesting, I think I heard somewhere that our sun only has so many

years left before it goes nova as well. But that so many years are a very

long way off.



From: "ravenadal" <>

Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 1:29 PM

To: <>

Subject: [scifinoir2] Suicidal planet seems on death spiral into star



> Suicidal planet seems on death spiral into star


> By SETH BORENSTEIN (AP) - 1 day ago


> WASHINGTON - Astronomers have found what appears to be a gigantic suicidal

> planet.


> The odd, fiery planet is so close to its star and so large that it is

> triggering tremendous plasma tides on the star. Those powerful tides are

> in turn warping the planet's zippy less-than-a-day orbit around its star.


> The result: an ever-closer tango of death, with the planet eventually

> spiraling into the star.


> It's a slow death. The planet WASP-18b has maybe a million years to live,

> said planet discoverer Coel Hellier, a professor of astrophysics at the

> Keele University in England. Hellier's report on the suicidal planet is in

> Thursday's issue of the journal Nature.


> "It's causing its own destruction by creating these tides," Hellier said.


> The star is called WASP-18 and the planet is WASP-18b because of the Wide

> Angle Search for Planets team that found them.


> The planet circles a star that is in the constellation Phoenix and is

> about 325 light-years away from Earth, which means it is in our galactic

> neighborhood. A light-year is about 5.8 trillion miles.


> The planet is 1.9 million miles from its star, 1/50th of the distance

> between Earth and the sun, our star. And because of that the temperature

> is about 3,800 degrees.


> Its size - 10 times bigger than Jupiter - and its proximity to its star

> make it likely to die, Hellier said.


> Think of how the distant moon pulls Earth's oceans to form twice-daily

> tides. The effect the odd planet has on its star is thousands of times

> stronger, Hellier said. The star's tidal bulge of plasma may extend

> hundreds of miles, he said.


> Like most planets outside our solar system, this planet was not seen

> directly by a telescope. Astronomers found it by seeing dips in light from

> the star every time the planet came between the star and Earth.


> So far astronomers have found more than 370 planets outside the solar

> system. This one is "yet another weird one in the exoplanet menagerie,"

> said planet specialist Alan Boss of the Carnegie Institution of

> Washington.


> It's so unusual to find a suicidal planet that University of Maryland

> astronomer Douglas Hamilton questioned whether there was another

> explanation. While it is likely that this is a suicidal planet, Hamilton

> said it is also possible that some basic physics calculations that all

> astronomers rely on could be dead wrong.


> The answer will become apparent in less than a decade if the planet seems

> to be further in a death spiral, he said.






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