Remember that one well, Mr Worf. 

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant

Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2009 10:44:43 -0700
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Movie review: Lady Vengeance


                  The trailer kind of made it look that way with her wearing 
her cool leather coat running across screen. She also has a very cool custom 
made gun that she uses. So I was thinking that it was going to be more like a 
John Woo flick, but got something else instead. Which was ok too. 

Old boy had more action in it. It also had one of my favorite non-martial art 
fight scenes in it as the main character fights 35 men in one long shot across 

On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 7:57 AM, Omari Confer <> wrote:


How is no martial arts, no sex and no gunpay a con.....
btw you kinda have to see "Old Boy" first to appreciate this movie..
c w m

On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 4:02 AM, Mr. Worf <> wrote:


Looking at the trailer, and some of the promotional pictures for this film many 
people (including myself) may have mistaken this film for an action film. Upon 
view Lady Vengeance, we would have quickly discovered that we were COMPLETELY 
wrong. The complete title is 'Sympathy for Lady Vengeance' is part 3 of a 
trilogy of revenge films directed by Chan-wook Park. Each film has its own 
storyline and can be watched separately on its own. I suggest not viewing this 
film and trying to go to bed afterward. You may want to spend some time talking 
about it afterward.

Lady Vengeance is the story of a woman that takes the rap for the kidnapping 
and murder of a 5yr old boy for reasons I cannot divulge. She does so willingly 
slowly suffering on a slow boil slowly plotting revenge on the person that put 
her there. This is a woman on a mission. She serves 13 years in a prison for 
the criminally insane and as soon as she is released, she is off to work. 

Park is a master story teller that can lull you into a false sense of direction 
making you forget just how twisted he is. He also has a good cinematic eye and 
a knack for latching onto strong sensitive topics that pull at your heart and 
mind while wallowing in it like a pig in an Olympic size swimming pool. 

The only weak spot in the film was a period near the middle where we spend time 
getting to know some of the favors that Lady Vengeance earns while she is in 

Overall it is an interesting film with an even more interesting / 
psychologically challenging ending that will challenge your thinking about the 
justice system, the media, and the public's views on criminality.

4 out of 5 stars

99% Korean and 1% English.   English subtitles. 

Available on Netflix. 
Cons: No martial art action. Very little gun play. Very little sex. No nudity. 

Pros: Twisted revenge flick. Great ending that will make you think. 

clockworkman blog

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