Hmmmm... Harry *likes* it. Says something, as he's been hating on a lot of 
flicks big time of late. And I liked what I saw from the last online preview I 
culled, though I managed to miss the one that Siffy tagged into Friday's repeat 
of "Warehouse 13". (As I said in another forum, I think that I need to invest 
in a remembering-brain dog.

Or did I say that here?

Martin (spokesman for "Multiple Concussions Are Bad")

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant

Date: Tue, 1 Sep 2009 21:07:45 +0000
Subject: [scifinoir2] James Cameron's 'Avatar' a symbol of early buzz after 


                  James Cameron's 'Avatar' a symbol of early buzz after preview

BY Ethan Sacks and Christina Boyle


Sunday, August 23rd 2009, 2:52 AM

Twentieth Century Fox

The sci-fi world was buzzing Saturday after thousands of moviegoers around the 
world got a sneak preview of James Cameron's much-hyped 3-D epic "Avatar."

"It's fairly spectacular," said Harry Knowles, founder of movie Web site Ain't 
It Cool News.

"We've never seen a 3-D science fiction film quite like this."

"From what I can tell, the vast majority of people really loved what they were 
seeing," he added. "I'm incredibly hopeful for the film."

The movie, which cost more than $200 million to make, is scheduled for general 
release Dec. 18, but more than 100,000 people in 58 countries got the chance to 
see a 16-minute preview after scoring free tickets online.

It was a stunt designed to create buzz around the film - Cameron's first 
feature since "Titanic," which holds the box-office record after grossing $1.84 
billion worldwide.

And if the early reviews on blogs and social networking pages were any 
indicator, it did the trick.

"The man who famously declared himself the King of the World on Oscar night 10 
years ago has now become the ruler of an entire planet," declared New York film 
critic and blogger Eric Kohn on

"Cameron's experiment with the ever-evolving art of buzz deserves recognition 
for its innovative approach."

"Avatar" is set on the planet Pandora, where an ex-Marine, played by Sam 
Worthington, is one of a group of humans who have their brains linked to the 
native alien species so they can explore the environment.

Sigourney Weaver, the star of Cameron's "Aliens" series, plays a botanist 
overseeing the mission.

"Avatar is going to be the cinematic event of this holiday season," blogger 
Kevin Carr wrote.

"The only way to experience 'Avatar' will be to watch it through a pair of 
high-end 3-D glasses on a screen 50 feet high."

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