Calm, rational person thatI am, I'll take the Blade Runner option.

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant

Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 21:36:59 +0000
Subject: [scifinoir2] Chicago's future: from "Blade Runner" to "George Jetson"


                  Visions of Chicago's future, from 'Blade Runner' to George 
Jetson; an engaging but uneven exhibit marks the Burnham Plan centennial

September 10, 2009

There's more chaff than wheat in a new exhibit about the future of Chicago, but 
I still recommend that you see it, if only for the sheer fun (or dread) of 
contemplating some truly out-of-the-box visions of the future.

My favorite in the sunny, George Jetson genre of future-casting comes from 
architects Brad Lynch and David Brininstool (below). They envision public 
vehicles powered by an umbrella of magnetic energy that would float over the 
city, freeing CTA land for green space. Sounds like a full-employment act for 
air-traffic controllers.

As for the dark, "Blade Runner" take on tomorrow, the prize goes to architect 
Joe Valerio (above). He gives us 22nd Century downtown Chicago, most of it 
covered in a transparent blanket that resembles a giant piece of Glad Wrap. 
Heat trapped under the skin would be exhausted through massive solar towers. 
This would make a great stage set for a sci-fi flick. It's just not very useful 
to us today.

And so it goes in this engaging but uneven exhibition, titled "Big. Bold. 
Visionary. Chicago Architects Consider the Next Century" and curated by Chicago 
architect Edward Keegan. On view at Chicago's Tourism Center Gallery, the show 
gives local architects a chance to make their voices heard during the 
centennial of Daniel Burnham and Edward Bennett's influential Plan of Chicago. 
Some of the architects, it would be charitable to say, took the opportunity 
more seriously than others.

Keegan has done a nice job organizing the material, which was donated by more 
than three dozen firms, into six categories: the lakefront, big plans, towers, 
catalysts, public spaces and transportation. His wall-text is commendably 
jargon-free. But the exhibit suffers from the presence of a blaring video 
featuring Mayor Richard Daley (what else would you expect at a city venue?) The 
video repeats endlessly and makes focusing on the material a challenge. And the 
stuff itself is all over the map.

In the "not worth your time" category are materials that architects seem to 
have pulled out of their file drawers and model shops, apparently more 
interested in marketing themselves than in thinking deeply about the future of 
the city and region. Other plans convey strong ideas -- you just wonder if 
they're the right ones.

Architect Stanley Tigerman would get rid of, or (to use his euphemism) 
de-accession, some low-density neighborhoods while pushing for higher-density 
living along Lake Michigan and the Chicago River and making way for urban 
farming. The architect, presumably, does not live in a neighborhood that would 
be de-accessioned. Far better are proposals that would plant seeds of 
rejuvenation in troubled neighborhoods. Architect Linda Searl (left) suggests 
placing temporary structures housing police annexes, convenience stores and 
day-care centers on vacant lots. She calls them BIGA (Burnham Ideas Generating 
Action) after the fermentation starter used in baking bread.

Som_chicago_riverwalk3 Such modest interventions make sense and not only 
because they would address a weakness of the published Burnham Plan (as opposed 
to drafts, which were more attentive to the city's neighborhoods).

One of the reasons the Chicago Plan is celebrated today is that it was carried 
out piecemeal. We should be grateful that Chicago did not get everything 
Burnham and Bennett wanted, most notably a gargantuan, domed city hall that 
anticipated Albert Speer's megalomaniacal visions for Hitler's Berlin.

Plans that accept the framework of the existing city, but transform it, are 
often preferable to sexy, attention-getting drawings that suggest wholesale 

Such intelligent incrementalism is evident in a downtown riverwalk plan by Phil 
Enquist of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, which would stretch the handsome 
riverwalk that opened this summer from State Street to a big waterfront public 
space at Lake Street (above).

Smart additive architecture is also on display in a design floated by Keith 
Campbell of the Chicago office of RTKL for a new pier at 18th Street that would 
serve as a bookend to Navy Pier (left). Unlike Navy Pier, however, this pier, 
containing marinas and a farmers market, would be part of the real city, not a 
tourist trap.

Nonetheless, big plans are irresistible to Chicagoans, and the show offers some 
compelling ones. Robert Benson of 4240 Architecture would replace the elevated 
tracks with a transit system consisting of green structural supports, equipped 
with wind turbines, that would extend like croquet wickets throughout the city 
(below) The trains would be nearly silent, but the system would send a loud 
message, making its green design visible, the wall text says, "in order to move 
the souls of the general public through beauty."

That's a capital idea, which fulfills Burnham's admonition to make big plans 
that have the magic to stir men's blood. Now if we could just come up with the 
billions in capital necessary to turn it into reality.

"Big. Bold. Visionary. Chicago Architects Consider the Next Century" appears at 
the Chicago Tourism Center Gallery, 72 E. Randolph St., through Oct. 4. The 
exhibit is a collaborative effort of Chicago's Department of Cultural Affairs 
and the Burnham Plan Centennial Committee.





Get back to school stuff for them and cashback for you.

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