Yet again, Fox strives to kill a perfectly good series...

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant

Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2009 01:09:01 -0400
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] 'Fringe' Stumbles In Season 2 Premiere


                  I loved the show but didn't even know it was back. I also 
think this doesn't take into account things like online viewership and TIVO

On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 10:58 PM, Mr. Worf <> wrote:


                  I think a lot of people didn't know that Fringe was on. Some 
of my friends that rabid fans didn't catch the first episode. 

On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 7:57 PM, Tracey de Morsella 
<> wrote:


'Vampire Diaries,' 'Supernatural' lose a little audience 


Is Thursday a good fit for "Fringe"? 

If the Season 2 premiere numbers are any indication, it might not be.

earned a 4.7 rating/8 share, according to Fast National ratings from Nielsen
Media Research, clocking in its worst numbers ... ever.

In fact, the lowest "Fringe" ever reached in overnights was a
5.3/8 it achieved twice: Nov. 11 and Dec. 12. This premiere is 11 percent below
that low, and is 20 percent off its series premiere numbers. It's also more
than 25 percent off its average audience from last season.

It's tough to tell if "Fringe" can blame its lead-in on this one.
The season premiere of "Bones" with former "Angel" star
David Boreanaz earned a 6.1/10, according to Zap2it, 7 percent above the 5.7/10
the show earned in the half-season after moving to the Thursday slot. 

However, in the past "Fringe" has enjoyed lead-ins of both
"House" and "American Idol," by far Fox's top-rated shows.
Just "House," for instance, averaged a 7.9/13 ahead of
"Fringe," nearly 30 percent more than what "Bones" mustered
up in its season premiere.

"Fringe" also had a tough time keeping up with its competition. A
rerun of "CSI" got a good boost from its "Survivor" lead-in
to finish 800,000 viewers ahead of "Fringe." However, the J.J. Abrams
show beat out "Community" on NBC although "The Office"
had 100,000 more viewers in the first half hour, according to Zap2it.

The new The CW show "Vampire Diaries"
took a bit of an expected tumble in its second week, earning a 2.5/4, losing 19
percent of its premiere audience but still remaining the network's top-rated
show. "Supernatural,"
however, remained stable for the most part, losing 9.5 percent of its premiere
audience with a 1.9/3.

"Supernatural" also closed the gap a bit between the two shows,
from a 47.6 percent difference in its first week to a 31.6 percent audience 
this past week. 

"Supernatural" currently has a Stability Index Rating of 95.2,
initially ahead of last year's 86.2 rating, while "Vampire Diaries"
has quickly dropped to 90.3 because of its single-week fall. The Stability
Index Rating is a measurement developed and used by the BlipNetwork to try and
monitor how much of its original audience a television show is maintaining by
comparing its highest overnight rating with its average.

Fast Nationals usually provide a snapshot of what Americans are watching by
pulling numbers from the top urban markets that includes both live viewing and
same-day timeshifted viewing. A rating point generally represents more than 1.1
million households while the share indicates the percentage of televisions
turned on that was tuned to the specific program. These numbers typically shift
when final ratings are issued.


Tracey de Morsella, Managing Producer

The Green Economy Post



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