Tracey, I don't know if it was the Senator's shuttle, because I didn't get 
enough of a glance at it. As soon as I can, I intend to re-view it online.

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant

Date: Sun, 11 Oct 2009 17:45:28 -0700
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] My (Second) Take - "Stargate Universe"



That’s what I thought at first.  Was it the Senator’s shuttle
and did reviving the ship trigger something with his pod?  It’s a conundrum


From: [] On Behalf Of Mr.

Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2009 5:39 PM


Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] My (Second) Take - "Stargate


The ship looked a lot like the one that the senator died in.

On Sun, Oct 11, 2009 at 4:57 PM, Keith Johnson <>


need to take a gander again at it.

----- Original Message -----

From: "Martin Baxter" <>

To: "SciFiNoir2" <>

Sunday, October 11, 2009 5:22:43 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern

Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] My (Second) Take - "Stargate Universe"


Keith, it looked like the undamaged shuttle. Admittedly, my glance
was brief. Tried to stretch myself to rewatch it at 11:00, but I faded.

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in
bloody hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant



Date: Sun, 11 Oct 2009 17:26:51 +0000

Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] My (Second) Take - "Stargate Universe"



that a shuttle craft leaving the ship, or was it perhaps one of the ship's
probes or automated gate-building devices? I know its mission is to gather
information and build additional gates along the way.

----- Original Message -----

From: "Mr. Worf" <>


Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2009 5:40:54 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern

Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] My (Second) Take - "Stargate Universe"


They didn't show what was on the other side of the gate. Also if
you noticed the last 10 seconds of the show a shuttle craft left the ship. 

Sun, Oct 11, 2009 at 12:15 AM, Tracey de Morsella 


thought the two who went to the other gate died.  Do you thing that the


On Behalf Of Mr. Worf

Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2009 12:06 AM


Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] My (Second) Take - "Stargate


I watched the show last night. I also agree that I enjoyed the doctor getting
kicked in the butt. I think that they may be building the black guy into an
anti-hero. Cuz you know that black people don't live long in space... They seem
to have a few different subplots already brewing. For example, the 2 that went
to the other gate address. 

Dollhouse: I watched that too. I am starting to get a little irked at the
malfunction subplot. It doesn't seem to be going anywhere yet. The subtext to
the show is interesting. They seem to be exploring the full spectrum of
fantasies for the Echo character. I wonder what is going on with that? :) 

I watch medium, and flashforward too. Medium is sort of suspense light. Its an
ok show though. I'm interested in how they are going to develop the girl's

Flashforward is interesting to me, but at this point, everyone's visions have
been coming true. Why do they still doubt it?


On Sat, Oct 10,
2009 at 8:51 PM, Tracey de Morsella <>


of my favorite TV Theme music is Doctor  Who.  I listen to it
sometimes on You tube.    I used to collect Movie Them
Music.  Now I just play them on You Tube.  On SGU I liked the song
that they played right before the last three went through the gate.


like this Stargate better than the last few seasons of SGI and Better than
Atlantis, but I got some problems with it that I can’t quite put my fingers
on.  Overall, I like that they are trying to do real stories again. 
I would like to like the Black guy, but he irks me.  Ironically I enjoyed
when he kicked the Doctor in the butt.  I do not like how they are Using
Lou Diamond Phillips.


watching Fringe, Dollhouse, FastForward or Medium?  Any thoughts? 


On Behalf Of Keith Johnson

Sent: Saturday, October 10, 2009 8:12 PM


Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] My (Second) Take - "Stargate



I'm extremely
conscious of music. I can identify just about any OS ep just by listening to
the music. I remember some of my fav TV shows based on the music played. anyone else here watching SGU? No other comments so far.

----- Original Message -----

From: "Martin Baxter" <>

To: "SciFiNoir2" <>

Sent: Saturday, October 10, 2009 11:52:51 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern

Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] My (Second) Take - "Stargate Universe"


Keith, I keep saying that I need to pay incidental music more
mind, but I keep forgetting. Those concussions add up...

I'd like to see more gritty fare in SF as well.

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in
bloody hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant



Date: Sat, 10 Oct 2009 14:51:02 +0000

Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] My (Second) Take - "Stargate Universe"



It may be,
Martin, that there's not any *more* music here than in SG-1 or Atlantis, but
the *type* of music used differs, which caught my attention. SG-1 had a lighter
score, even in serious moments. Atlantis' overall music was a little bolder
than SG-1. But with SGU, it's much more sombre scoring. And, you mention the
endpiece and the use of the song. those are definitely firsts, as I can't
remember that being done for the other shows, certainly not a vocal

As for the BSG look and feel, I'm going with it for four reasons: One, it's
well done (especially the direction) and I'm still fascinated by the quantum
leap in production over its predecessors...two, I missed the last two seasons
of BSG, so I'm not as close to burnout on the style as others...three, i really
like grittier scifi/fantasy/comics, and SGU is a welcome complement to lighter
shows like "Eureka" and "Warehouse 13"...and four, it feeds
my continual hunger for good scifi, especially on Friday nights.

If nothing else, it's nice to see a show that has a different feel from yet
another Stargate, a show where i really can't anticipate what's happening
next.  Now all we need is for SyFy to get its schedule together so all its
series--Eureka, Warehouse 13, SGU, Sanctuary--are airing new eps at the same
time, and that'll make for a decent week. SyFy still isn't back to its glory
days, but this helps....

----- Original Message -----

From: "Martin Baxter" <>

To: "SciFiNoir2" <>

Sent: Saturday, October 10, 2009 7:27:23 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern

Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] My (Second) Take - "Stargate Universe"


I think you hit it spot on, Keith. I'm still not picking up on the
incidental music, save for the endpiece, when the life-support system aboard
the Destiny kicked on, and the song about breathing slipped in as neat

I'll live with the BG tone of the series to date, though I don't find myself
much enamored of it. (Seen it once, would rather see something different.) One
point I did notice in the new ep, when Eli stuck his arm into the event horizon
to delay the Gate from shutting down until Scott and Greer could make it
through, and the ship began shuddering, trying to fight off the override and go
FTL. I think that, the next time that stunt is tried, someone's gonna lose an

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in
bloody hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant



Date: Sat, 10 Oct 2009 04:55:50 +0000

Subject: [scifinoir2] My (Second) Take - "Stargate Universe"



Two eps in,
including three viewings of the premiere, and I'm still watching. The second
show---really a continuation of the pilot--keeps the tone of the first. And
that tone is frankly not like any of the previous Stargates. The show continues
to be much darker , as the reluctant crew of the Destiny fight for survival.
What strikes me is the lack of lighthearted humour that pervaded the first two
series. Outside of teen Eli, everyone here is deadly serious. No O'Neal
cracking wise. Even in his guest spots, Richard Dean Anderson is very serious.
Since character backgrounds are only slowly being explored, it'll be a while
before we really get to know the cast, which lends an air of mystery that is
also new. Still not feeling the borderline psycho Brother though, who in
tonight's show literally gave someone the boot.  Is he nuts, or supposedly
just such a loyal soldier that he's... nuts?

As I watched tonight's ep, I noticed three key things about the series, aside
from the tone. One, there's a lot more use of heavy musical scores to set the
mode, both orchestral and vocal. I can't remember much of that from SG-1 or
Atlantis. Two, notice how the command personnel dress--all in black. the 
are a definite change from the standard colors of the other shows. Remind you
of anything? First thing I thought of was the officers of BSG, who also wore
black and were oh-so-somber. And third, the camera work. SGU uses the style so
much in vogue nowadays: the camera panning across scenes, moving back and
forth, shaking sometimes, as if a documentary were being filmed. In short, it
looks much like...BSG again. 

And that's what
really hit me: this show is a lot like BSG. At one point I was noticing how 
a clear division between military and civilian personnel. There are ongoing
conflicts as the civilians bump hit with the military on who's i n charge, on
making critical decisions. Again, sound like anything familiar, say, like the
conflicts between the civilian and military leaders on BSG? It's clear the
showrunners must have sat down and watched Ronald Moore's work intently. Not
that I'm complaining, mind you. Universe is a much more mature-feeling show
than its predecessors, especially SG-1. The direction is (excuse the pun)
lightyears beyond, and it simply doesn't even really feel like a Stargate
series.  Now, i'm not sure if this will last. Maybe the current director
only did the first few eps. Maybe, as they settle in and start meeting other
races, it will devolve into the standard alien-of-the-week format. But for
right now, the more somber feeling is entertaining, for all that it owes that
feeling to BSG.

What do you think? 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Keith Johnson" <>


Sent: Saturday,
Octo ber 3, 2009 12:26:30 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern

Subject: My Take - "Stargate Universe"

I admit it was an
entertaining show. Like "Voyager", it struck with with high
production values, and a very competent cast. Everyone fit into his or her role
pretty seamlessly, the FX were good, story moved along. And like "Voyager",
we got glimpses into the backgrounds of the cast, but the details will be
fleshed out later.

The show moved along at a good clip: It starts out with the people fleeing some
as yet undefined danger, literally being tossed through a Gate like sacks of 
In quick order they discover their plight of being on an Ancient ship billoiins
of light years from Earth. I actually like the concept of sending the ships out
ahead of time, then Gating to them perhaps centuries later.

Aside from "Voyager", I detected a decided BSG feeling to the show.
The look and feel of it, the camera work, the mix of characters all reminded me
of BSG. It has potential. But the question is, will it be more like
"Voyager"--or much of the SG-1 years for that matter--and simply devolve
into an adequate story about lost people having an adventure of the week. Or,
will it manage to build upon the promising opening and be a grittier show like
BSG--or DS9.

I like the cast
for the most part. The military leader is an actor we've seen a lot and he
fits. His second is a young guy who's green but able. They work--and so nice
not ot have a O'Neal clone cracking wise all the time! Even the young Wesley
Crusher knockoff is pretty good for now. Although his inclusion in the team
stretches all credibility (from how he was discovered to how he's taken) he's
okay. The resident genius--Dr. Rush--is more mysterious and infuriating,
someone you want to club. Again, a refreshing change from Daniel Jackson's
sometimes nerdy professor thing, or Rodney McKay's whining arrogance.T he actor
playing him is often given really serious roles, and here he seems equal parts
arrogant, troubled, and cold. Good stuff. Lou Diamond Phillips seems to be more
of a guest star, which is unfortunate 'cause he could bring some good stuff to
the show. Again, though, like with "Voyager' the cast clicks and is pretty

Two things I hated. The only Brother in the cast is some psycho who is
literally one step away from cracking p and shooting anyone who pisses him off.
He was in the brig (stockade?) for something, we don't know what yet. Broken
record here, but is there some reason the SG series can't give us Black men who
are cool, stable, and in charge. The Brother in Atlantis turned into a psycho
Wraith hunter and was written out. And yeah, SG-1 gave us T'ealc, but that
monsyllabic Noble Savage thing is played out (applies to Tela in Atlantis as

There was an unnecessary sex scene which reminded me of the more juvenille
attempts at titillation in Enterprise and BSG. No prude, I, but it seem
shoehorned in. I saw a commercial where one of the actresses said "we
differ from the other Stargate series in that there's a lot more sex on the
show". No necessary, guys, to be too explicit just to look cool.

The ending was a cliffhanger for next week. I have to say, though I'm really
not looking the one Black man's character, and I'm not a fan of lost-in-space
shows, I enjoyed it. I have doubts about whether it can stay a good, gritty,
exciting show week-to-week, but I'll definitely be checking it out.



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