I only made it half-way through Tin Man.  Just too drawn out I suppose (as 
mentioned in Keith's USA Today post).  I loved 10th Kingdom, though I also 
nodded through the last 2 parts.  Sounds like Alice is going to fall somewhere 
in between in terms of treatment, and in fewer hours.  So I'm tuning in!


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, "Tracey de Morsella" <tdli...@...> wrote:
> SyFy's
> <http://io9.com/5418438/syfys-alice-+-warning-may-contain-your-next-british-
> obsession>  "Alice" - Warning: May Contain Your Next British Obsession
>  <http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/8/2009/12/hatter.jpg>
> http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/8/2009/12/500x_hatter.jpgThis weekend
> Syfy is taking a trip through a very modern looking glass
> <http://io9.com/tag/lookingglass/> , complete with romance, casinos and lots
> of fighting. So is this Wonderland worth revisiting? Check out our spoiler
> free Alice review.
> We were sent an extremely early edit of the film, so I'm not making a final
> judgment on the two-day mini movie until it airs, but what I did watch I got
> a excited about.
> Here's the premise: Alice is a no-nonsense commitment-phobe and karate
> instructor. So yeah she kicks ass, and a lot, for better or worse. Strong
> armed Alice falls for one of her students who sneaks her some sort of
> magical ring and is promptly kidnapped. Alice follows her boytoy through the
> looking glass and is transported to Wonderland. But Wonderland has changed.
> It's now a dirty world that looks strangely like Vancouver. Alice soon
> learns that the Queen of Hearts is kidnapping humans and imprisoning them in
> her casino, siphoning off their happy emotions and selling them to the
> inhabitants of Wonderland. Thus making her beloved, for providing the quick
> fix, as well as rich.
> Alice meets the Hatter in one of these emotion dens and the two strike a
> deal to go and save her boyfriend, who has presumably been kidnapped by the
> Queen for emotion harvesting. If I tell you more we'll get into spoiler
> territory, but there are plenty more twists and turns. It also gets pretty
> heavy with the family issues and inner love turmoil for poor Alice. In fact
> it really reminded me of a shorter and less in-depth version of the TV movie
> The 10th Kingdom, which I adored. So even coming close to that is a good
> thing.
>  <http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/8/2009/12/alice-04-tim-curry.jpg>
> http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/8/2009/12/500x_alice-04-tim-curry.jpg
> Plus the cast is just bafflingly great. Tim Curry plays the Dodo, Kathy
> Bates is the Queen of Hearts, Harry Dean Stanton is the Caterpillar, and
> Colm Meaney is the King of Hearts. Those names alone are worth tuning in
> for. You won't want to miss watch Tim Curry walk around with his stomach
> forward, Dodo-style. Sure, I could mention that Curry really pushes the
> level of running and screaming that I can take from him, and that Kathy
> Bates seemed like she was sporting dead face for most of the movie, but
> they're are small issues.
> But the real standout was Andrew Lee Potts' Hatter. Call me a sucker for
> British heroes who wear funny suits and like to throw their weight around,
> but I couldn't rip my eyes off of the Hatter when he was on screen. Almost
> to the detriment of Alice. Potts is familiar with the scifi world, having
> starred in the BBC's Primeval, but he really hits his stride here. And while
> I was watching him on a version that needed copious edits and tweaks, I
> still really enjoyed watching him try to elevate the story and dialogue he
> was handed. Yes, making the Hatter a cute hipster is a little eye rolling,
> but he made it work. Potts really attempted to sell some of his totally
> implausible actions he was taken in by the script. You heard it here first:
> If Matt Smith the new Doctor crashes and burns, certainly wouldn't be any
> worse off with Potts. But that's just hopeful projecting on my part.
>  <http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/8/2009/12/alice-02-matt-frewer.jpg>
> http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/8/2009/12/500x_alice-02-matt-frewer.jp
> g
> So the bottom line: I'm tuning in. I'm anxious to see what the home of Matt
> Frewer's dimwitted White Knight looks like, as it's merely described as a
> chessboard forest kingdom. Along with the flying jetski-like flamingo sky
> cars, and the Queen's casino once the FX are all finished. Plus I wouldn't
> miss the opportunity to watch Andrew Lee Potts make me reassess my staunch
> views on men who wear guyliner.
>  <http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/8/2009/12/alice-03-zak-santiago.jpg>
> http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/8/2009/12/500x_alice-03-zak-santiago.j
> pg
> Even though some of the story did feel a bit pushed here and there, and the
> plot was in an eternal loop of running to the casino and escaping, then
> running back, and escaping, the characters, settings, costumes and actors
> make this worth your time. And for those of you worried it's a Tim Burton
> rip, fear not: This contemporary Wonderland has a strange feel all on it's
> own.
> The first part begins December 6th, 8 PM.

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