Last night, Gizmodo's Jason Chen listened to director McG's Blu-Ray
livecommentary for Terminator <>
Salvation so that you didn't have to. You can read
y-liveblog>  the whole thing here, but if you're in a rush, here're the, uh,

Apparently oblivious to the fact that the franchise is up for sale and
no-one knows who future owners will be or what they'll want, McG announced
that he'll make two more Terminator movies, the first of which will feature
Sarah Connor, even though "he's not sure how he's going to pull that off."
We'd be more worried about future Terminator rights holders agreeing to him
making two sequels to a critically-savaged movie that flopped at the box
office (in comparison to expectations, at least; it's still in the top 20
movies of the year) and failed to prevent the bankruptcy of the owners of
the property if we were him, but maybe there's a reason we're not successful
Hollywood producer/directors and he is.

He was also disappointed that Salvation wasn't the best movie in the series
so far, but thinks that it was better than T3 (which he "didn't really pay
attention to"; he also only watched one episode of Terminator: The Sarah
Connor Chronicles. Feel free to start your fuming now), and "tried to
introduce credibility" back to the franchise. And, maybe most importantly,
he showed that he knows movie direction:

7:15: Here's a tip that will go down in history from one of the film greats.
"There's two elements that go into filmmaking. There's sound, and there's
the picture."

There's more in Jason's epic journey into one director's ego, including how
McG feels about the Charlie's Angels movies these days, that Moon Bloodgood
topless shot and the downbeat end to the franchise that was possible. Go
read, if only because Jason suffered for us, and because he's right about

y-liveblog>  Salvation BD-Live Director's Commentary Liveblog [Gizmodo]


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The Green Economy Post

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