This bugs me. There are great African American owned businesses but our own
people will not shop there unless it is like x or y.

There are some things that AA businesses do to shoot themselves in the foot
though. One is bad or inconsistent customer service and quality. That can be
quality of food or whatever. Providing good quality service without getting
bogged down in drama or other things is problematic for AA businesses.

Also, there is a tendency within the AA community to not go back to a
business after one bad experience. You never hear about people doing that to
Mc Donalds. There seems to be brainwashing that has taken place where we
simply will not support our own.

On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 7:56 AM, Kelwyn <> wrote:

> It's been a year since John and Maggie Anderson embarked on a controversial
> adventure in empowerment to spend their money exclusively with
> African-American businesses in 2009.
> They've learned a few things, not the least of which was that they were a
> little naive.
> "It was more difficult, to be honest," Maggie Anderson said as the year
> concluded. "We went out all starry-eyed."
> As with most wisdom, the more meaningful lessons emerge from the more
> demanding struggles. So it was with the "Empowerment Experiment," said the
> Andersons, of Oak Park.
> "There were certainly some challenges," John Anderson said. "But at the
> same time, the relationships we have cultivated -- not only with the
> business owners but also in mobilizing so many people across the nation who
> have embraced the message -- that's been the biggest blessing of this whole
> year. It has been a wonderful year."
> The most discouraging challenge came in August, when the black-owned,
> full-service grocery store they would drive 14 miles to patronize closed.
> The couple also had to face jaded perspectives from other African-Americans
> who told the Andersons that black-owned businesses were inferior to
> white-owned enterprises and that the couple's over-arching goal of creating
> robust black businesses would never work.
> ------------------------------------
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