Kweith, that may also be the same book I heard about a couple of weeks ago. In 
it, she says that Faux/Fixed/Fox Management didn't even consider its female 
on-air staff as "talking heads", but as "talking ****s and talking t*ts", there 
solely as the closest thing to porn that they could sneak on-screen.

As for Senator Reid's comments -- as much as I look at them and ask myself "WTF 
was he not thinking?", I'm amazed that virtually no news outlet is talking 
about the fact that the same word is going to be used on this year's Census 
forms. MSNBC did a bit on it, but nothing that I've seen since the story first 

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant

Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2010 22:45:44 +0000
Subject: [scifinoir2] OT: AKA, "The Thing that Wouldn't Die"



Forget racist Australian KFC ads, we got the noose-and-burning-cross crowd 
taking over our own airwaves! In case you mistakenly thought that ignorance, 
racism, and corrosive fear of change were disappearing any time soon. I just 
listened to a lengthy "Fresh Air" interview with a reporter who's written a 
book on Palin, in which she and her co-writer point out how Palin has told so 
many inconsisten stories, plays the victim, and is really capable of being 
nasty and holding a grudge. And this lady works for Fox!   Palin reminds me of 
some of the prejudiced whites I used to go to school with in Texas back in the 
'70s. They were always full of stuff about "real" Americans, making casual 
comments of racism and ignorance, seeing anyone who wasn't some country, 
cornfed Christian as the "other". I didn't enjoy being around those people 
then, and I lament to see them continue to get public champions and public 
outlets now. 

And then there's Harry Reid's use of the word "Negro". What decade is he living 
in?  Though i can't argue his basic statement about Obama's skin color helping, 
give me a break.

Post-racial my arse....


ANCHORAGE, Alaska – Sarah Palin, former Alaska governor and 2008 Republican 
vice presidential candidate, will take her conservative message to Fox News as 
a regular commentator, the cable channel announced Monday.


"I am thrilled to be joining the great talent and management team at Fox News," 
Palin said in a statement posted on the network's Web site. "It's wonderful to 
be part of a place that so values fair and balanced news."

Fox said that according to the multiyear deal, Palin will offer political 
commentary and analysis. She also will host occasional episodes of Fox News 
"Real American Stories," a series featuring true inspirational stories about 


"Governor Palin has captivated everyone on both sides of the political spectrum 
and we are excited to add her dynamic voice to the FOX News lineup," Bill 
Shine, executive vice president of programming, said in a statement.


Palin is hugely popular with conservatives and has more than 1.1 million 
Facebook followers.


She stepped down as Alaska governor in July, 17 months before the end of her 
first term in office. Her resignation came less than a year after she vaulted 
to overnight fame as John McCain's running mate.

Palin worked part-time as a weekend sportscaster in the 1980s for KTUU-TV in 


Her upcoming commentary career had her Facebook fans giddy with excitement 


"Tell 'em like it is girl!!!!!!," one poster wrote.


Palin finished a nationwide tour in December to promote her best-selling book, 
"Going Rogue."



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