Can't deny that. Great story.

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant

Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2010 19:28:25 -0800
Subject: [scifinoir2] Man Buried in Haiti Rubble Uses iPhone to Treat Wounds




U.S. filmmaker Dan Woolley was shooting a documentary about the
impact of poverty in Haiti when the earthquake struck. He could have
died, but he ultimately survived with the help of an iPhone first-aid
app that taught him to treat his wounds.

After being crushed by a pile of rubble, Woolley used his digital
SLR to illuminate his surroundings and snap photos of the wreckage in
search of a safe place to dwell. He took refuge in an elevator shaft,
where he followed instructions from an iPhone first-aid app to fashion
a bandage and tourniquet for his leg and to stop the bleeding from his
head wound, according to an MSNBC story.

Join Reddit’s Haiti relief fundraising drive with Direct Relief International.

The app even warned Woolley not to fall asleep if he felt he was
going into shock, so he set his cellphone’s alarm clock to go off every
20 minutes. Sixty-five hours later, a French rescue team saved him.

“I just saw the walls rippling and just explosive sounds all around
me,” said Woolley, recounting the earthquake to MSNBC. “It all happened
incredibly fast. David yelled out, ‘It’s an earthquake,’ and we both
lunged and everything turned dark.”

Woolley’s incident highlights a large social implication of the
iPhone and other similar smartphones. A constant internet connection,
coupled with a device supporting a wealth of apps, can potentially
transform a person into an all-knowing, always-on being. In Woolley’s
case, an iPhone app turned him into an amateur medic to help him
survive natural disaster.

Say what you will about the iPhone. This story is incredible.

Update: As Wired reader “bbqbologna” noted in the comments below, the app used 
in question was Pocket First Aid and CPR.
A user review by “Webguydan” reads, “Consulted this app, while trapped
under Hotel Montana in Haiti earthquake, to treat excessive bleeding
and shock. Helped me stay alive till I was rescued 64 hours later.”

See Also:

Satellite Photos of Haiti Before and After the EarthquakeScientists Scramble to 
Analyze Haiti’s Seismic Risk
Rescue Ops in Haiti: ‘The First 72 Hours Are Critical’For the iPhone’s App 
Store, Quantity Really Does Matter

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