Agreed the series was really hitting its stride before the suits pulled the 

From: Keith Johnson <>
Sent: Fri, January 22, 2010 10:39:45 AM
Subject: [scifinoir2] "Enterprise" Marathon on SyFy

Another "Enterprise" marathon on SyFy all day today. That's followed by the 
movie "First Contact", and then by the premiere of "Caprica".
I will say about "Enterprise" , it's a show that had its moments. Watching the 
Xindi storyline in big chunks, for example, I can appreciate the dramatic 
intensity of it better. There are some gems in that storyline: the "Memento" 
type ep (on now) where Archer's in a future where Earth's destroyed, and T'Pol 
must retell the story to him every single day...the ep where, desperate to 
continue the mission, Archer orders his reluctant crew to actually attack and 
steal supplies from a ship that had recently aided them.. A powerful study of 
morality vs. need, and rather radical for "Trek"...the various dealings with 
the Vulcans and Andorians--how cool to see the Andorians having had so 
significant a part in the early days of Starfleet, how cool to see Vulcan as a 
sometimes duplicitous, self-serving planet on the brink of rejecting Logic, how 
cool to see how Earth, as an outsider planet, helped broker deals that lead to 
the creation of the Federation.
There was lots of good stuff that fleshed out and revealed new stories on the 
history of Starfleet. As the show entered it's last couple of seasons it hit 
its stride and became what I expected. Of course, one has to wade through the 
bad first couple  of seasons, the juvenile attempts at titillation sprinkled 
throughout the series, and the B&B obsession with time travel stories, one of 
which ruined the whole Xindi storyline by ending with that stupid Nazi/alien 
occupied NYC.   
But overall, not a bad way to spend a day.


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