Hmm...Sounds like a Chuckie Cheese birthday party I went to once...

"Such music flows on the Fringe, and no one can resist singing to Scarlet"

--- On Tue, 1/26/10, Augustus Augustus <> wrote:

From: Augustus Augustus <>
Subject: [scifinoir2] Question
To: "Black SciFi" <>
Cc: "Sci Fi" <>
Date: Tuesday, January 26, 2010, 7:16 AM


has anyone seen this movie Gas-s-s-s-s that is on retroplex right now?  it's 
about kids taking over the world after a mysterious gas kills everyone over 
25.  it is simply stupid, but funny.  roger corman of course.  they just had a 
scene in the junk yard where they were shooting at each other calling out old 
movie star names with all the sound effects of guns shooting, but they were not 
shooting.  the guys were falling like they had been shot, but it was hilarious!



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