Half a terabyte of public domain video, free for the downloading
 Posted by Cory
February 2, 2009 11:43 PM |
  Rogue archivist Carl Malamud sez,

 Public.Resource.Org released a 1/2-terabyte public domain stock footage
library. This is 438 high-resolution MPEG2 files we obtained from the
federal government. The footage ranges from WWII Disney productions to Army
training films to Fish and Wildlife Service documentaries of wilderness

For a small studio or a student filmmaker with a half-terabyte free, we
thought you might appreciate the convenience of simply downloading the whole
thing as NTSC MPEG-2 files all at one time and sorting it out later. We
include the metadata files from the Internet Archive, and our servers
support http, ftp, and rsync.

If you just just want to browse the video, you can use our depots on
the Internet Archive, <http://www.archive.org/details/FedFlix> or our own NTIS
agency page. <http://public.resource.org/ntis.gov/> But, if you'd rather
slurp the source for your video library, have at it.

Public Domain Stock Footage Library
<http://bulk.resource.org/ntis.gov/> (*Thanks,
Carl <http://public.resource.org/>!*)

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