After seeing the movie last Sunday, I was wondering about the casting. Downey 
and Law are really good, but why did Ritchie cast them that way? Law, who's 
taller, a bit leaner, and has a bit more of an intensely thoughtful look, would 
seem at first glance to be the natural choice to play Holmes. At least, he 
probably on the surface appears closer to the tall, lean, serious Holmes of all 
those movies i saw as a kid. Downey, with his shorter stature, lined, worn 
face, large expressive eyes, and tendency to look comical, serious,and slightly 
"off" all at once, would seem to be a good fit for a slightly comedic 
Watson--the guy who comments/critiques/jokes from the sidelines as the 
oh-so-serious Holmes goes about solving the crimes. 

Indeed, i can see a time before Downey's return to such lofty heights, where 
another director would probably think it natural to cast the dapper and 
handsome Law as Holmes, and the quixotic Downey as his funny sidekick. Wonder 
how such a movie would have turned out? Would the casting have dictated a more 
traditional take on the characters? Would Rithie's slight twist on the 
traditional movie treatments of the characters still have worked if the roles 
had been switched? 

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