There are some people that believe that NASA's approach is wrong and that
they should be looking for more economical ways to do the same thing. There
was even a design contest about a year ago where they designed a low cost
satellite. Anyone remember that?

On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 8:48 AM, Keith Johnson <>wrote:

> I heard the new Brother who runs NASA on NPR yesterday trying to put a good
> spin on this. I'm such a big fan of space exploration, it made me sad...
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Tracey de Morsella" <>
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, February 3, 2010 2:26:26 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
> Subject: [scifinoir2] White House won't fund NASA moon program
>  *President Obama's budget proposal includes no money for the Ares 1
> rocket or Constellation program, sources say. Instead, NASA would be asked
> to monitor climate change and develop a new rocket.*
> Budget plan calls for boosting NASA budget, creating private space shuttle
> service
> Computerworld - Reports surfacing this week say that the White House plans
> to put a stop to NASA's plans to return to the moon.
> The *Orlando Sentinel*, quoting an unnamed White House source, reported
> yesterday that President Barack Obama is 
> looking<,0,2941410.story>to
>  push the space agency in a new direction.
> David Steitz, a spokeperson at NASA Headquarters in Washington D.C., said
> he wouldn't comment on such reports until the White House budget proposal is
> announced. The plan is expected to be released on Monday.
> NASA has been 
> looking<>to
>  not only return astronauts to the moon, but also to build a lunar outpost
> there by 2020. The NASA plan includes first sending next-generation 
> robots<>and
>  machines to the moon to create a landing area for spacecraft, and a base
> where humans can live.
> NASA scientists have been preparing what the agency calls the Constellation
> moon landing plan, which was set forth by former President George W. Bush.
> In June, NASA 
> launched<>two
>  lunar satellites as the opening act in the long-term mission to send
> humans back to the moon. The satellites -- the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
> and the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite - were designed to
> provide them with new information about the 
> moon<>
> .
> In an October NASA 
> mission<>,
> the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite, known as LCROSS, slammed
> into the moon in an attempt to kick up what scientists believe is water ice
> hiding in the bottom of a permanently dark crater. Scientists have been
> hoping that if a human outpost is created on the moon, people there could
> have access to water there instead of having to haul it up from Earth.
> Plans to return to the moon have been in question since the Obama
> administration last May called for an independent review of 
> NASA<>'s
> human space flight activities.
> The *Orlando Sentinel* also reported yesterday that the White House budget
> plan appears to boost NASA's budget by some $5.9 billion over the next five
> years.
> Some of that money, according to the report, would be to keep the
> International Space Station running. The rest would go to set up contracts
> with private companies to act as a sort of shuttle service, taking
> astronauts back and forth from the space station after NASA's space shuttle
> fleet is retired.
> *Sharon Gaudin** covers the Internet and Web 2.0, emerging technologies,
> and desktop and laptop chips for *Computerworld*. Follow Sharon on Twitter
> at [image: twitt...@sgaudin <>, send e-mail to
> or subscribe to Sharon's RSS feed [image: Gaudin
> RSS] <>.*
> Read more about 
> development<>in 
> Computerworld's Development Knowledge Center.

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