They tried to rip off china a little with a young boy running through a
wheat field then flying into the air ala wirefu. One of the weirdest
segments was a style of music that is popular in Novascotia that is country
violin with a punk look. So imagine riverdance with everyone wearing plaid,
torn clothing and tattoos. Tacky. Another thing that came off as tacky was
the spoken word ode to canada.
For some reason I can't find any pictures of it.

There was one moment featuring KD Lang singing hallelujah that was
breathtakingly beautiful.  The entire audience was waving candles and the
natural light lit up the stadium.

On Sat, Feb 13, 2010 at 12:28 PM, Martin Baxter

> I was watching "Streets of Laredo" on Encore Westerns.
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