Found a couple more yesterday.

In "Dangerous Ground", there's a scene in which Liz Hurley's character goes
to a window in an apartment and takes off her shoes, in order to climb out
and walk the ledge to get into an next-door apartment, while Ice Cube waits
outside. A few seconds after she gets in, there's shouting, and a man bursts
out of the apartment, Liz on his heels.

She's wearing kitten-heel patent leather boots.

I thought that she might've taken the time to put them on once she got
inside, as she did have the time. But, in the shot immediately following, as
she goes back into the second apartment with Cube, she's barefooted again.

The other was from one of Keith's must-sees, the M Bay Epic "Pearl Harbor"
[?][?][?] In it, Josh Hartnett and Ben Affleck's characters are, after Pearl
Harbor, promoted to captain, yet they continue to wear 1st-lieutenant's
bars. Only near the end, after Hartnett's character dies and Affleck's
returns to pearl, is Affleck seen wearing captain's bars.

On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 4:51 PM, Martin Baxter <>wrote:

> Caught one not long after replying to this.
> I was watching "Flash Point", and there's a scene in a hospital, when one
> of the cops has been brought in after being five-ironed by an SUV driven by
> the Big Bad. His girlfriend comes racing in, and begins whaling on the
> co[p's partner, thinking him to be a Triad guy. When she begins to do so,
> she's makeup-free. After the captain pulls her off him, she's done to H'Wood
> red-carpet perfection.
> On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 3:06 PM, angelababycat 
> <>wrote:
>> Good call. The other error in that scene, however, is that a rich guy
>> who's up to something wouldn't have a security guard to stop the dude from
>> getting to the front door in the first place.
>> But more direct to your question:
>> - There's an scene early in Children of Men where the main character is
>> talking to that old hippie guy. He's sitting on the sofa holding a
>> sleeping/very relaxed cat. The frame quickly switches to the hippie as he
>> says something, then quickly back to our main man. The cat is now sleep in a
>> different place and facing the opposite way. I may not be remembering it
>> absolutely correctly, but whatever detail it was that changed, it really
>> stood out that two different takes had been spliced together for that scene.
>> - What was that movie from about 5 yrs ago about black plant workers at a
>> chemical factory in Africa? Good movie, but all I remember is that in one
>> scene the address number on the guy's shanty house is backwards, as in a
>> mirror image. Why? Probably because the driver of the car in front of the
>> house is headed to the factory which the audience already knows is down the
>> road to the left of the screen. But the car must have originally headed
>> screen right, so they flipped the frame to make the car go in the right
>> direction.
>> I'd have to think of others.
>> --- In <>, "Mr.
>> Worf" <hellomahog...@...> wrote:
>> >
>> > I am watching this week's episode of Flashforward and there are a couple
>> of
>> > glaring errors that I found in this episode. Nothing to do with the
>> overly
>> > fantastic premise of the series so far, but simple mistakes that stuck
>> out.
>> >
>> > In this week's episode the father of the war vet goes seeking
>> information
>> > from a rich guy who seems to be up to something. He drives over to the
>> rich
>> > guy's house and turns off the power. A moment later, he goes to the door
>> of
>> > the house and presses the doorbell. If there is no electricity in the
>> house
>> > (which they showed) how could the doorbell work?
>> >
>> > Have you caught any logic errors like this on the shows you watch or in
>> > movies that you have seen?
>> >
>> > --
>> > Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
>> > Mahogany at:
>> >



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