
Hasn't he been pushing a new series of commercials getting kids to exercise
more for a few years now? And I saw a story on the news not long ago, about
a town where Ronald turns up once a week at a Mickey D's specifically to
exercise with the kids.

On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 12:32 PM, Kelwyn <ravena...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-talk-ronald-mcdonald-retire-0329-20100329,0,5731460.story
> Can Ronald McDonald be forced into early retirement?
> Advocacy group wants McDonald's to let go of spokesman in light of
> childhood obesity crisis
> By Julie Wernau, Tribune reporter
> March 29, 2010
> A coalition of health professionals, parents and corporate accountability
> advocates is calling for Ronald McDonald to retire as a spokesman for the
> nation's largest restaurant chain, saying he has too much influence on kids.
> Corporate Accountability International, which has waged campaigns against
> bottled water companies and tobacco companies, wants to stop the Oak
> Brook-based chain from gearing its advertising toward children in light of
> what they called a "fast-food-industry childhood obesity crisis."
> The group will release the results at a lunchtime "retirement party"
> Wednesday for McDonald's Chief Happiness Officer, a 50-year veteran of the
> company, at the McDonald's restaurant at Chicago Avenue and State Street.
> The group — which was also behind the effort to retire Joe Camel from Camel
> cigarettes — will invite Chicagoans to sign retirement cards at the
> McDonald's. The event is one of nearly two dozen to be held at McDonald's
> restaurants and colleges across the country that day, according to group
> spokesman Nick Guroff.
> A spokeswoman for McDonald's said the company wasn't invited to the party,
> but said Ronald's role as a brand ambassador hasn't changed. It's to bring
> out the fun side of having meals with family and to promote an active
> lifestyle, she said.
> "He is the heart and soul of Ronald McDonald House Charities, which lends a
> helping hand to families in their time of need," McDonald's told the Tribune
> in a written statement.
> "Ronald also helps deliver messages to families on many important subjects
> such as safety, literacy and the importance of physical activity and making
> balanced food choices," the company said.
> — Julie Wernau
> Copyright © 2010, Chicago Tribune

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