Depends on the family. Not every victim family is for the death penalty but
the every time they show something like that on tv they show the families
that are for it.

Also, the type of crime doesn't always fit. For example, I mentioned the
story about a guy that ran a financial fraud scheme. He was sentenced with
800+ years. Meanwhile, a guy that committed a rape or assault will receive a
lot less time.

On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 6:23 AM, <> wrote:

> Interesting question...
> Should such technology happen, I think existing prisoners would be deemed
> ineligible for life extension and continue to serve existing sentences.
> BUT... should inmates be offered such a life extension, I can't see the
> rationale for exoneration based on longevity alone. That case would likely
> continue to be made based on its merits, exclusive of age. I'm reminded of
> an old saying from military school, "When the enemy is in range, so are
> you"! My sense is that if inmates were to live forever, so would their
> victims and/or families. Who would represent a powerful voice against an
> inmate's release, again, based on longevity.
> -later -jeff
> Mar 25, 2010 12:58:53 AM, wrote:
> I was watching the tv show American Greed. The show was about a guy named
> Shalom Weiss who ripped off over $450 million from an insurance company here
> in the US. At his trial he was charged with 845 years for his crimes. The
> question that popped into my head after watching the show was what if
> tomorrow they develop something that allowed us to live forever. What
> happens to people in prison? Would they be forced to stay in jail for 1000
> or 15000 years? Or even worse, the rest of eternity?
> --
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