Transmission speeds of 100Mbps over 1km on existing copper networks

By Darren Quick <>

*23:52 April 22, 2010*
 [image: Alcatel-Lucent has boosted the transmission speeds available over
existing copper

Alcatel-Lucent has boosted the transmission speeds available over existing
copper infrastructure
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In an ideal world we would all access the Internet over fiber optic cables
that reach right up to the front door to deliver blisteringly fast
transmission speeds. Unfortunately, we don’t live in an ideal world and many
of us are forced to rely on aging copper network infrastructure. Now,
Alcatel-Lucent’s Bell Labs has demonstrated technology that boosts the
transmission speeds available over two copper pairs that could see this
infrastructure given a new lease of life, satisfying consumer’s need for
speed for some time to come.

In a lab test of “DSL Phantom Mode,” Bell Labs achieved downstream
transmission speeds of 300 Megabits per second (Mbps) over distances up to
400 meters (1,312 feet) - or 100Mbps at 1km (0.62 miles) – using just two
digital subscriber lines (DSL). At its core, DSL Phantom Mode involves the
creation of a virtual or “phantom” channel that supplements the two physical
wires that are the standard configuration for copper transmission lines.

Bell Labs’ innovation and the source of DSL Phantom Mode’s dramatic increase
in transmission capacity lies in its application of analogue phantom mode
technology in combination with industry-standard techniques: vectoring that
eliminates interference or “crosstalk” between copper wires, and bonding
that makes it possible to take individual lines and aggregate them.

“What makes DSL Phantom Mode such an important breakthrough is that it
combines cutting edge technology with an attractive business model that will
open up entirely new commercial opportunities for service providers,
enabling them in particular, to offer the latest broadband IP-based services
using existing network infrastructure,” said Gee Rittenhouse, head of
Research for Bell Labs.

According to Ovum analyst, Kamalini Ganguly, “Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs’ DSL
Phantom Mode lab test adds a whole new dimension to the ongoing ‘100Mbps for
all’ debate. The fact that existing copper loops can facilitate 300Mbps at
400 meters reshapes the whole next-generation broadband competitive
environment - and will open up a wide range of new business opportunities
for ‘traditional’ DSL players. This announcement shows that Alcatel-Lucent
is seriously looking at all possible innovations to help its customers speed
up the deployment of next-generation access networks, through a smart mix of
advanced copper and fiber technologies.”

The company says it is conducting further research to “refine deployment
models and determine a specific set of customer premises equipment (CPE) -
models compatible with the DSL Phantom Mode technology.”

With many countries around the world struggling to find the cash to update
aging infrastructure the ability to boost their performance using
Alcatel-Lucent <>'s technology without a
wholesale replacement is sure to appeal.

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