What NIMROD puts their personal transactions out in the clear like that? [?]

On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 6:06 PM, Mr. Worf <hellomahog...@gmail.com> wrote:

> [image: The Gadget Hound]<http://news.yahoo.com/technology/the-gadget-hound>
>  Talk about an overshare: Blippy exposes credit card numbers
>    -        Buzz up!
> Back in January, I blogged about a social networking startup that lets you
> share your credit card transactions — all of them, if you're game — with
> the world. My big question at the time: Is Blippy taking Web transparency
> too far? Well, with the revelation that at least four Blippy users' credit
> card numbers are easily accessible via Google, looks like the answer is a
> resounding yes.
> Just hours after the New York Times website posted a front-page story
> featuring 
> Blippy<http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/ytech_gadg/tc_ytech_gadg/storytext/ytech_gadg_tc1769/35921831/SIG=11rkih0li/*http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/23/technology/23share.html>(which
>  emerged from public beta in mid-January), a curious user decided to
> see if you could search for credit card transaction of Blippy users via
> Google search. Lo and behold, he found more than 120 of them, along with
> some full credit card numbers, VentureBeat 
> reports<http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/ytech_gadg/tc_ytech_gadg/storytext/ytech_gadg_tc1769/35921831/SIG=12c727lu9/*http://venturebeat.com/2010/04/23/how-will-credit-card-leak-damage-blippy/>.
> Oops.
> How bad is Blippy's privacy breach? Are the credit card numbers of everyone
> who ever shared a transaction on Blippy at risk? No, claims Blippy
> co-founder Philip Kaplan, who told Brad Stone of the Times (in a follow-up
> blog 
> post<http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/ytech_gadg/tc_ytech_gadg/storytext/ytech_gadg_tc1769/35921831/SIG=12fr40nsh/*http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/04/23/when-over-sharing-leads-to-problems/>)
> that it appears only four users had their credit card info exposed.
> How did that happen? Stone says Kaplan explained to him that merchants
> "pass along their raw transaction data — including some credit card numbers
> — and the site scrubs that information to present just the merchant and the
> dollar amount spent." But several months ago, raw transaction information
> was in the site's HTML code, and Google retrieved it.
> Kaplan tells Stone that Blippy began disguising the raw data behind the
> scenes "early on,"
> but four Blippy users' data slipped through the cracks — a situation that
> "looks pretty bad," Kaplan says. Uh, no kidding.
> The news couldn't come at a worse time for Blippy, which (as VentureBeat
> reports) has already closed $12.9 million in funding this year, and is only
> now getting its first dose of publicity thanks to the front-page Times
> article (headlined in Friday's paper: "Too Much Information? Hah! Sharing
> All Online Is the Point"). Of course, I can't really imagine a good time for
> the world to learn that your site is publicly exposing the credit card
> numbers of its users, even if we're only talking four of them (for now,
> anyway).
> And what is the idea behind Blippy, anyway? As I wrote a few months ago
> (the old Yahoo! Tech post went down with the now-defunct site, but here's
> the cached 
> version<http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/ytech_gadg/tc_ytech_gadg/storytext/ytech_gadg_tc1769/35921831/SIG=14cef87ps/*>),
> you can share the latest purchases on your Visa, American Express, or
> MasterCard instantly with fellow Blippy users, the point being to "get
> side-by-side comparisons of specific products" and "be able to negotiate or
> call out a merchant for overcharging" (as Blippy execs told the Wall
> Street 
> Journal<http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/ytech_gadg/tc_ytech_gadg/storytext/ytech_gadg_tc1769/35921831/SIG=130o5oa46/*http://blogs.wsj.com/digits/2010/01/14/are-you-ready-to-tweet-credit-and-debit-card-purchases/>
> ).
> That's a laudable goal, but the method — sharing some or all of your recent
> transactions, instantly  —might seem like a little too much sharing for
> most. And the news that at least a handful of users had their credit card
> numbers exposed on the Web — well, that's probably not what a prospective
> Blippy user wants to hear.
> --
> Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
> Mahogany at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mahogany_pleasures_of_darkness/

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