You should hear the crazy rants that the teabaggers have been doing here
since Cinco de Mayo.

Old woman - "They're taking away our rights!"
Newscaster - "What rights are they taking away?"
Old woman - blank stare...
Newscaster - "Can you answer the question? What exactly are they taking

On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 8:45 PM, Keith Johnson <>wrote:

> See, this is why so many of us distrust the Tea Party, and idiots like
> Palin. You disagree with someone, fine. But where does she get off saying
> Obama wants to "ban guns and ammunition"?  That's such a general and
> sweeping statement. It's incendiary, inaccurate, hyperbole, and, as my mom
> used to say "A pure dee lie!". How is it she can make public statements like
> this that are pure lies? Obama has *never* intimated he wants to ban all
> guns. Even if he did want to restrict assault weapons--something I'm in
> favor of doing--it's not the same thing. The guy legalized guns in national
> parks, for Christ's sake--something I'm vehemently opposed to. And to say
> that he's the most pro-abortion President ever. Again, how is such lying
> permitted?
> But then, this is the same lady who started the "Death Panels" lie, and
> when presented with evidence it *wasn't* true, went on Facebook and said, "I
> still believe that's his goal".
> ***************************************************
> Palin says Obama would ban guns if he could
> CHARLOTTE, N.C. – Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin warned NRA members Friday
> that President Barack Obama wants to gut the Second Amendment and told a
> separate gathering that "mama grizzlies" will help Republicans win this
> November, sweeping away the Democratic agenda.
> Palin, a potential 2012 presidential candidate, told National Rifle
> Association members during their annual meeting that the only thing
> stopping Obama and his Democratic allies from trying to ban guns is
> political backlash.
> "Don't doubt for a minute that, if they thought they could get away with
> it, they would ban guns and ban ammunition and gut the Second Amendment,"
> said Palin, a lifelong NRA member who once had a baby shower at a local gun
> range in Alaska. "It's the job of all of us at the NRA and its allies to
> stop them in their tracks."
> Gun enthusiasts have trumpeted fears that their rights would erode under a
> Democrat-led White House and Congress, but President Barack Obama has
> largely been silent on issues such as reviving an assault weapons ban or
> strengthening background checks at gun shows. Obama also signed a law
> allowing people to carry loaded guns in national parks.
> Palin, the GOP's 2008 vice presidential nominee, also praised tea party
> activism during an appearance in Charlotte, and scoffed at suggestions that
> the movement had roots in violence, racism or rednecks before adding: "I
> don't really have a problem with the redneck part of it, to tell you the
> truth."
> She proceeded to read several redneck jokes off her phone and talked about
> how she could relate to some of them.
> During an event earlier Friday in Washington sponsored by an anti-abortion
> group, she challenged Republican women to help the GOP "take this country
> back" and elect anti-abortion lawmakers. She praised female leaders of the tea
> party movement and invoked the 2008 acceptance speech where she compared
> herself to a pit bull.
> "You don't want to mess with moms who are rising up," Palin said at the Susan
> B. Anthony List event. "If you thought pit bulls were tough, you don't
> want to mess with mama grizzlies."
> Palin said she understood how some women might consider abortion, citing
> her own experiences as the mother of a child with Down syndrome and the
> parent of an unwed teen mother. Last year, Palin said that "for a fleeting
> moment" she considered having an abortion when she learned of her son Trig's
> prognosis.
> But she said Friday that abortion is morally wrong and women should carry a
> fetus to term.
> "It may not be the easiest path, but it's always the right path," she said.
> She said Obama is "the most pro-abortion president ever to occupy the White
> House" and asserted that the health care law would fund abortions.
> In fact, Obama's health care law would not allow federal dollars to pay for
> elective abortions. Catholic hospitals and organizations of Catholic nuns
> backed the measure. U.S. Catholic bishops and major anti-abortion groups
> opposed it, arguing that federal dollars could end up paying for abortions.
> Stephanie Schriock, president of EMILY's List, said Palin talks a good
> game, but her version of what American women want doesn't honor freedom and
> independence. She mentioned the Democratic lawmakers whom Palin had targeted
> for their votes for health care overhaul.
> "First she puts targets on their back, then she wants the government in
> their bedrooms — what is Sarah Palin doing to Western women?" said
> Schriock. EMILY'S List helps candidates who back abortion rights.
> Palin also criticized the media, singling out their coverage of her
> daughter Bristol, whose pregnancy was announced days after Palin was named
> the vice presidential nominee. Bristol Palin is a single mother who works
> on an abstinence-only campaign.
> She said some young women would see what happened to Bristol and perhaps be
> encouraged to seek an abortion instead of facing similar criticism.
> Palin also said Friday that the United States should continue to drill for
> oil despite the Gulf spill. She made the comments in an interview with ABC
> News.

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