Mr Worf, I both get and expect hat. But, IMHO, there's just as much to be
gained from the seas as there s from the stars. Heck, moreso right now. If
China had a single working brain in its command infrastructure, they'd see
that. Every day, millions there starve. Mind the oceans right, and those
people could eat plenty.

On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 8:15 AM, Mr. Worf <> wrote:

> Just remember, the Chinese have their eyes on it and once they get there
> they plan on keeping it and any natural resources that they find there as
> well. H3, gold, platinum, unexplainable black obelisks etc. will belong to
> them. I hate to sound like a teabagger but we are slowly losing our grip on
> being a super power.
> On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 4:02 AM, Martin Baxter <>wrote:
>> I'm not terribly upset by it, Mr Worf. I'm hoping that some funding gets
>> shifted toward oceanography. (And you have no idea how close this post came
>> to being obscene. A morning person, I am NOT.)
>> On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 10:38 PM, Mr. Worf <>wrote:
>>> Shuttle Atlantis Blasts Off on Final VoyageThe 32nd and final flight for
>>> Atlantis is taking six astronauts -- and a lot of gear -- to the space
>>> station.
>>> <>
>>>  Fri May 14, 2010 02:41 PM ET
>>> Content provided by Marcia Dunn, Associated Press
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>>>     THE GIST
>>>    - This is space shuttle Atlantis' 32nd and final flight.
>>>    - The shuttle is packed with space station gear and six astronauts.
>>>    - Atlantis is due to reach the space station on Sunday.
>>>   [image: atlantis launch]
>>> Space shuttle Atlantis sets off on its final voyage under bright blue
>>> skies from NASA's Kennedy Space Center.
>>> *NASA*
>>> Space shuttle Atlantis thundered away on its final voyage to orbit
>>> Friday, hoisting an experienced crew of six and a full shipment of space
>>> station gear.
>>> Atlantis sped through a perfectly clear afternoon sky, blazing a trail
>>> over the Atlantic before huge crowds eager to catch one of the few remaining
>>> shuttle launches.
>>> Its destination is the International Space Station, which was soaring
>>> over the South Pacific at the time of liftoff. The shuttle should catch up
>>> with the orbiting complex and its six residents Sunday.
>>> More than 40,000 guests -- the biggest launch-day crowd in years --
>>> descended on the Kennedy Space Center and the roads leading into it, all of
>>> them eager to witness Atlantis' last launch. The shuttle obliged, roaring
>>> off the pad right on time.
>>> "Good luck, godspeed and have a little fun up there," launch director
>>> Mike Leinbach told the astronauts just before liftoff. He said he was
>>> speaking on behalf of all those who have worked on Atlantis since the
>>> beginning.
>>> "If you don't mind, we'll take her out of the barn and make a few more
>>> laps around the planet," replied commander Kenneth Ham.
>>>  [image: dark energy]
>>> *WATCH VIDEO: Kasey-Dee Gardner finds out what it is like to be launch
>>> director at NASA. 
>>> *<>
>>> *Related Links:*
>>> ------------------------------
>>>    - *Slide Show: Shuttle Atlantis: A Long 
>>> Career*<>
>>>    - *Unmanned Space Shuttle to Get Trial 
>>> Run*<>
>>>    - *All Space Shuttle News* <>
>>>    - *Shuttle Flights Down to Final 
>>> Five*<>
>>> ------------------------------
>>> The astronauts -- all repeat space fliers and all men -- couldn't resist
>>> a little humor before they got down to business. They showed up for their
>>> steak and cheeseburger breakfast wearing blue and black smoking jackets,
>>> white shirts and black bow ties. It was probably the most formal attire ever
>>> worn by astronauts on launch day, even it was just for a quick photo.
>>> The only concern during Friday's countdown involved a small ball bearing
>>> found in Atlantis' payload bay earlier this week. Engineers scrambled to
>>> determine the bearing likely came from a spacewalk camera, and cleared the
>>> launch with just minutes remaining.
>>> The 12-day mission is the last one for Atlantis, the fourth in NASA's
>>> line of space shuttles. Only two flights remain after this one, by Discovery
>>> and Endeavour. NASA plans to end the 30-year program by the end of this
>>> year.
>>> Atlantis rocketed into orbit for the first time in 1985. This will be its
>>> 32nd trip and the 132nd shuttle flight overall.
>>> The shuttle is loaded with fresh batteries and a Russian-built
>>> compartment for the space station.
>>> The 20-foot-long module -- named Rassvet in Russian, meaning Dawn -- is
>>> crammed with food, laptop computers and other U.S. supplies, part of the
>>> deal worked out between the two countries' space agencies.
>>> Ham and his men will install the compartment on the space station, and
>>> carry out three spacewalks to replace six old batteries and hook up an
>>> antenna and other spare parts.
>>> Launch spectators included late-night TV host David Letterman, who toured
>>> the space center Thursday.
>>> Dozens of Russians also were on hand, as well as about 150 Twittering
>>> guests. This is the second time NASA has opened Kennedy's media complex to
>>> so-called tweeters on launch day.
>>> President Barack Obama wants NASA to focus on getting astronauts to an
>>> asteroid by 2025 and into orbit around Mars by 2035. He canceled the
>>> previous administration's Constellation program, considered a continuation
>>> of the 1960s Apollo moon program.
>>> It was NASA's fourth shuttle liftoff in six months.
>>> Now the pace will slow a bit. Discovery isn't due to fly until September,
>>> followed by Endeavour in November -- at the earliest. Payload issues may
>>> bump the last mission into 2011.
>>> There's a chance that Atlantis could fly again after it returns to Earth
>>> on May 26. The shuttle will be prepped in case a rescue mission is needed
>>> for the last flight, by Endeavour. Assuming there's no emergency, Atlantis
>>> could be used for another supply run if the White House approves it, and
>>> that would close the shuttle program for good.
>>> Atlantis ultimately will head to a museum somewhere in America. So will
>>> the other two shuttles.
>>> Under the Obama plan, NASA astronauts assigned to long station missions
>>> will keep hitching rides aboard Russian Soyuz rockets until U.S. private
>>> enterprise can develop spacecraft to safely get humans into orbit.
>>> NASA expects to keep the space station running through 2020.
>>> --
>>> Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
>>> Mahogany at:
>> --
>> "If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell
>> wrote the script?" -- Charles E Grant
> --
> Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
> Mahogany at:

"If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell
wrote the script?" -- Charles E Grant

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