15 of the Greatest Black Superheroes of All Time

Luke Cage

One of the original badasses of the '70's and former partner to Iron
Fist Danny Rand, Luke Cage embodied the 70's concept of Black Power and
was one of the first Black superheroes to kick ass and take
responsibility for cleaning up the hood. Impenetrable skin, super
strength, and the ability to fight heroes in an open chested yellow
shirt, leather pants, and a tiara without looking funny, Cage fought all
those who threatened the innocent.  In recent relaunches, Cage ditched
the duds for regular clothes because real men don't have to wear tights.

Goddess. Weather Witch. Mutant. Ororo Munroe has been known by many
names and identities. Born to an American Mother and African father who
died in her youth, Ororo was left to her own devices and survived as a
thief. When her mutant abilities manifested, she was feared as a witch
by some and praised as a goddess to others. Eventually joining Charles
Xavier's X-Men, she became Storm, one of the X-Men's most powerful
members, and eventually was chosen as bride to another member of this
list, T'Challa, AKA The Black Panther. The Watcher attended their
wedding, stating that their union would be one that will change the
course of the Marvel Universe's history.
Green Lantern

There have been several iterations of Green Lantern, even running
concurrently, but none quite as tough or hardcore as John Stewart.
Originally selected as a back up by the Guardians to Hal Jordan, Stewart
proved himself worthy of the title. Often filling in for Hal Jordan when
he was off world, the Green Lantern Corps was eventually reorganized so
that two Green Lanterns would cover each sector; as such, Hal Jordan and
John Stewart are equally responsible for Earth's sector, 2814. Stewart
becomes a full fledged member of the Justice League. The interesting
thing about Stewart as Green Lantern is that because of his background
as an architect, his Lantern creations have a unique, solid quality. He
is also recognized as the best flyer in the Corps and has so much
willpower that it actually exceeds the limit of his ring (as he once
tried to recreate a planet from scratch). Also, Stewart is one of the
only Lanterns who refuses to wear a mask because he is not ashamed to
let people know who he is.

What can be said about Al Simmons, the soldier who was betrayed by his
superior, Jason Wynn, murdered in cold blood, and sent to hell? Simmons
was deeply in love with his wife, Wanda, who he would do literally
ANYTHING to return to, including making a deal with the demon Malebolgia
to accept demonic powers and become the general of his unholy army to
get back to her. The tradeoff? 5 years had passed, and Al Simmons was no
more. Simmons' wife had remarried…to his best friend…and he was
now only Spawn, left to cope with new powers and lament the loss of his
life and his wife. The story of Spawn is telling of the ties of love,
tragedy, loss, and eventual redemption.
Captain Marvel/Photon/Pulsar

Monica Rambeau was a lieutenant in the New Orleans police force. A
friend of the family, Professor Andre LeClare, had been forced to create
a device which would harness other-dimensional energies. In the process
of helping to destroy that device, Rambeau was bombarded with those
energies and found that she could, as a result, transmute her body to
energy and back again at will. She eventually became a full fledged
member of the Avengers and inherited the moniker Captain Marvel from the
press. Eventually, she gave up the name out of respect to its former
owner and his progeny, and changed her name, first to Photon, and
finally to Pulsar. She is one of the most underrated characters in the
Marvel Universe, yet one of its most powerful, as seen during the World
War Hulk storyline.

Tyrone Johnson was a poor 17 year old South Boston youth who was a good
student with a chronic stutter. After witnessing a convenience store
murder and the murder of his innocent best friend at the hands of the
police, he ran away to New York City, where he contemplated robbing a
rich runaway named Tandy Bowen. When someone else tried to rob her, he
instead stopped the thief, returned her purse, and became her friend.
The two stuck together, but were forcibly taken to a criminal chemist
who was experimenting with a new synthetic heroin. The two survived the
experiment, but were changed. Johnson took on the properties of
darkness, Bowen, with the power of light. With this new power over
shadows, he found he could engulf criminals in his darkness, which he
covered with a cloak.
War Machine

James Rhodes was a soldier in the US Marines and had been shot down in
the jungle. A chance meeting with Iron Man, who had just escaped from
Wong-Chu, led to them escaping together. Stark hired Rhodes as his
pilot, and the two became close friends. Tony Stark, being the alcoholic
that he was, went into battle as Iron Man drunk, and was humiliatingly
defeated at the hands of Magma. It was then that Stark inadvertently
revealed his secret to Rhodes, who stepped in and donned the armor to
save Stark International. Since Rhodes had proven himself, Stark asked
him to be Iron Man while Stark continued to be drunk. Eventually, as
Stark faked his own death, Rhodes was given control over Stark
Enterprises and the new "War Machine" armor.

While not a superhero in the traditional sense of the word as he doesn't
have any superpowers, Roadblock was one of the first Black GIJoe's we
grew up with and one of the baddest characters on the force. Even though
his animated counterpart was a rhyming, jive talking brother that had
some laughable (at best) dialogue, the comic book version was tough,
uncompromising, and virtually unstoppable. He represented the armed
forces respectably and with style.

Michael Collins lived the life that many dream of: loving family, high
salary job, wanted for nothing. However, working for Cybertek, a
division of the Roxxon Corporation, had a higher cost than he had
anticipated. Colliins believed that he was developing computer code that
would help people utilize artificial limbs, but the reality was that he
was developing code for a murderous machine codenamed "Deathlok". When
Collins shared his discovery with his bossand supposed friend, Harlan
Ryker, he was betrayed, and his brain was placed into the cyborg.
Eventually, Collins gained control of the cybernetic interface of the
cyborg and set out for vengence against his boss. Just as he was about
to turn Ryker into authorities, ryker revealed that his human body was
still out there and he could be returned to humanity, if he could find
the doctor who did the original transfer. Deathlok's new mission was
clear, and he embarked on a quest to find his human body once again.

Falcon is from the same generation as Luke Cage, and was one of those
characters that was rather low on the radar but still kept up the good
fight. Falcon had the ability to communicate with aviary creatures and
developed a costume that allowed him limited flight ability. Recently an
integral part of the resistance to the Registration Act, Falcon stepped
up to the fore as a prominent character in the investigation of the
death of Captain America. His costume, however, is still kind of

John Henry Irons was a steel mill worker who was rescued by Superman.
During the time when Superman was "dead", Irons created a powered suit
of armor and became Steel, a stand-in for Superman to help fight the
evils of Metropolis. After Superman's return, Steel became a hero of his
own, helping Superman protect the citizens of Metropolis. Steel was such
a well received character that he spawned a…well, lackluster movie
starring Shaquille "Kobe-How-My-Ass-Taste" O'Neal. We won't hold that
against Steel, however.
Misty Knight

Patrolwoman Misty Knight, who graduated from NYC's police academy with
top honors, rescued Colleen Wing from a gun battle, and the two became
close friends. During a bank robbery, Knight discovered a bomb but could
not dispose of it in time and lost her arm in the process. It was
replaced with a cybernetic arm designed by Stark International. In spite
of her new strength and ability, she was forced to end her active duty
with the police force and resigned. Colleen encouraged Misty to be
resiliant, and the two formed a private investigation firm. Through this
firm, Knight met Power Man Luke Cage and Iron Fist Danny Rand, the
original Heroes for Hire, and she and Colleen, known for their martial
arts skills as the Daughters of the Dragon, assisted the Heroes for Hire
often. After many adventures, Misty Knight, with partner Colleen Wing,
took over as the Heroes for Hire, employing a few other vigilante heroes
and working as bail bondswomen for super villains.

Lucas Bishop is from a future where mutants are persecuted and taken to
Mutant consentration camps, where mutants, such as himself, are branded
with "M" tattoos over the right eye to identify them as such on sight.
In this timeline, the Sentinel robots, mutant hunting killing machines,
had taken control over North America and Professor X and the most of the
X-Men were dead. After a rebellion in which humans and mutants overthrew
the Sentinels and mutants began policing themselves, Bishop became a
member of the XSE (Xavier Security Enforcers). Bishoop and two other XSE
officers were chasing a mutant criminal, Trevor Fitzroy, when he escaped
into a time portal into the present day X-Men timeline. Bishop and the
other officers pursued, knowing they would be trapped in the present.
Bishop was the only survivor of the pursuit, and he took up residence
with the X-Men.

Shadowhawk was one of Image's creations of the '90's. A tough as nails
vigilante, Shadowhawk fought the criminal element relentlessly, and
often viciously. After brutally beating some Black street gang members,
a racist vigilante started to mimic Shadowhawk, but only targeting the
black criminals. Upon confronting the racist, Shadowhawk removed his
helmet to reveal that he too was Black. This, of course, completely
disarmed the racist, and Shadowhawk dealt him some sweet, ironic
justice. Not only was Shadowhawk a Black man, but he also had, as
District Attorney Paul Johnstone, been injected with HIV positive blood
by mobsters who wanted to make an example out of anyone who stood
against them.
Black Panther

Arguably the best of the Black superheroes, the Black Panther is the
king and protector of the African nation of Wakanda, a technological and
economical jewel of a nation nestled in the heart of Africa. The Black
Panther, empowered by the Panther God, is endowed with speed, strength,
and skill above that of normal mortals. T'Challa, the current Black
Panther, is not only a skilled warrior, but also a masterful tactician,
fair and just ruler, inventor, and all around master of all he
endeavors. He joined the Avengers not for any political gain, but
instead to "keep an eye on" the super powered beings that were in the
world. Recently T'Challa chose Storm for his bride, and it was revealed
that the two had had a history that spanned their entire lives. Their
marriage is destined to change the entire course of human history and
propel the land of Wakanda to the fore of the world.

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