Let us all cringe in advance at Possibility Number Five...

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From: Martin Baxter <martin.baxter....@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 3:59 PM
Subject: Nine Hobbits That Could Happen
To: martinbaxt...@gmail.com

posted Thursday June 03, 2010 11:28am EDT
Nine *Hobbit*s that Could Happen

Ever since TheOneRing.net dropped the
Guillermo del Toro was departing
*The Hobbit *(citing production delays that have hamstrung the epic
two-parter for nearly a year), speculation has raged. With budget problems,
studio delays, and a three-year schedule that’s stretched to six, things
don’t sound like they’re going to get any easier.

Who’s going to direct this thing now?

The *Hobbit *camp has not put forth any names for del Toro’s suggested
replacement. As fans, clearly that’s our job.

Below the cut, nine ways this train wreck can go.

*1. Christopher Nolan *

A dark thriller in which Bilbo the hobbit is conscripted into a shadowy gang
of inscrutable dwarves, and a sorcerer who seems both fair and foul. In a
desperate attempt to free himself, he tumbles down a mountain and will use
every ounce of his courage to obtain a golden ring. Is it what he needs to
save himself, or a trap from which there’s no escape? And you won’t believe
the third-act twist about Bofur and Bombur.

Not that it will matter either way; we won’t hear another word about the
movie until it comes out.

*2. George Lucas*

Bilbo is a lonely young hobbit trapped in his house under the hill in a
remote Shire, waiting desperately for adventure to find him. When wise and
supernaturally-gifted Gandalf appears, Bilbo isn’t about to miss his chance.
Along with the grouchy and in-it-for-the-money Thorin and his
hirsute/hard-to-decipher backup dwarves, Bilbo will enter a world full of
alien beings he’s never dreamed of, and will have to learn how to harness a
magical gift in order to survive a coming war.

Bonus: in 2032, Lucas will release a version in which Smaug shoots first.

*3. Kathryn Bigelow*

A taut, atmospheric movie about a hobbit in over his head, the flawed but
compelling dwarf king that leads his quest, the glory-hungry Bard of
Laketown who will come through in a clinch, and the morally-ambiguous wizard
who will save them all from danger after twenty minutes of slow-motion
tension about it. No need for a second movie, even, since she’d wrap it up
in about eighty minutes. Frankly, it sounds good to me.

Potential downside: previous casting of Bill Paxton makes her taste in
actors suspect. Just because someone is letting James McAvoy play Professor
X <http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE64R01H20100528> doesn’t mean he
should be Bilbo, too. Don’t let him into EVERY franchise, for crying out

*4. Chris Weitz*

After the money *New Moon* made, this dude could probably leverage his way
into the short list. Result: a movie about Gollum sitting in a cave for two
hours with a camera circling him as indie rock plays in the background, and
then fifteen hours of deleted scenes about Bilbo and the dwarves that will
be available on the DVD release. (At least he already has all the CGI wargs
ready to go.)

*5. Michael Bay*


*6. Alex Proyas*

A moody character study of a man on a quest to discover the dark beast
that’s haunted his dreams, with memorable supporting players, a monster in
every shadow, and a few moments of beautiful filmmaking…just before Will
Smith shows up. No lie, I’d like to see if Alex Proyas could do to the
countryside what he did for cities in *The Crow* and *Dark City*, but since
then he’s put out *I, Robot* and *Knowing*, which does not exactly inspire
cinematic confidence. (Good news: he’s in pre-production hell on *Dracula:
Year One*, so it’s not like he’s a stranger to the waiting-around

*7. Ridley Scott*

His movies are seriously hit-or-miss, but when the script is solid he can
certainly produce the rich visuals an epic requires. Sure, it would end up
as a movie about the tortured Thorin’s search for redemption, and nearly all
the supporting dwarves would kick the bucket, but he can film battle scenes
in his sleep, and if there’s anyone who knows how to drive home the quest
theme, it’s him. (Bonus: it will keep him from making the *Monopoly* movie
he keeps threatening us all with.)

*8. Tim Burton*

Bilbo Baggins is the very loneliest hobbit of them all, until some
CGI-enhanced dwarves come to take him to a magical land filled with trilling
songs and a vaguely-effeminate wizard (Johnny Depp) who doesn’t like messes
but, deep down, just wants to be loved by a hobbit he can look on as a son.
Helena Bonham-Carter voices Smaug, who spends the second half of the movie
delivering a darling series of quips on what it’s like to be stuck in a cave
full of gold.

*9. Jules Bass and Arthur Rankin, Jr. *

Stealth “the one from the 70s is perfectly fine” sentiment!

What say you, film fans? Now that del Toro’s out of the running, what
monstrous directorial visions do you fear?

"Between getsumei no michi and the Zero...no better place to live."

(About little moments of happiness) "If this isn't nice, I don't know what
is." -- Kurt Vonnegut, "A Man Without A Country"

"If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell
wrote the script?" -- Charles E Grant


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