Oh, man... [?][?][?][?]

Thank you, Brent. The stuff of dreams.

On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 10:53 PM, brent wodehouse <
brent_wodeho...@thefence.us> wrote:

> http://www.sciencenews.org/view/generic/id/60302/title/Kepler_craft_reports_apparent_planetary_bonanza
> Kepler craft reports apparent planetary bonanza
> Space telescope finds evidence of planets around hundreds of stars
> By Ron Cowen
> Surveying thousands of stars for telltale twinkles that signal the passage
> of an orbiting planet, NASA’s Kepler spacecraft has discovered a whopping
> 706 candidate planets beyond the solar system. If confirmed, that
> motherlode would boost the number of known extrasolar planets, now
> estimated at 460, to well over a thousand.
> The trove, announced June 15, includes evidence of five stars that have
> full-fledged planetary systems. These exoplanet systems, if verified,
> would be the first known in which each planet creates a minieclipse as it
> transits, or passes in front, of its parent star. The amount of dimming
> and the duration of a transit offer information about planets, including
> their size, that cannot be gleaned by less direct methods of detection.
> A team including Kepler lead scientist William Borucki of NASA’s Ames
> Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif., has posted the findings online
> (at lanl.arxiv.org/abs/1006.2799 and at lanl.arxiv.org/abs/1006.2763) at
> arXiv.org. The discoveries were made by analyzing Kepler’s first few
> months of data, recorded in the spring of 2009 when the telescope examined
> 156,000 stars.
> “This is a massively historic discovery,” says study coauthor Sara Seager,
> a theorist at MIT. “This is showing how the Kepler mission will
> revolutionize exoplanets and change the way we do exoplanet science.”
> The newly reported findings don’t include details about the most
> interesting 400 of the 706 candidate planets, which orbit the brightest
> stars Kepler has surveyed. These cases may offer the most promise for
> finding planets with masses close to Earth‘s own. Information on these 400
> planets won’t be made public until next February.
> Although the five planetary systems still have to be verified, “they show
> that Kepler will find dozens — and likely over a hundred — stars having
> multiple planets that all transit in front of their host star,” says
> veteran planet hunter and study coauthor Geoffrey Marcy of the University
> of California, Berkeley. “Apparently, stars commonly house multiple
> planets.”
> One candidate system consists of three orbs, while the other four contain
> two. The orbiting objects range in size from twice Earth’s diameter to
> slightly larger than that of Jupiter. They reside relatively close to
> their stars, at distances ranging from roughly one-quarter to one-half
> Mercury’s average separation from the sun. They are not yet confirmed
> planets, however, because their masses have yet to be determined.
> Astronomers are already attempting to measure those masses, using
> ground-based telescopes to discern the tiny wobble induced in the motion
> of a parent star due to the tug of orbiting bodies.
> “We're using the Keck telescope [atop Hawaii’s Mauna Kea] 20 nights per
> year just to follow up the Kepler planets,” Marcy says.
> Because these stars are dim and the expected wobble signal weak,
> researchers may have to weigh the bodies using another method — variations
> in the timing and duration of transits due to the gravitational interplay
> among the planets in each system, says study coauthor Jason Steffen of the
> Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Ill.
> Even though the masses of the candidate planets remain unknown, the team
> says it has already ruled out that the bodies are companion stars that
> might be mimicking the minieclipses generated by transiting planets. It
> would be particularly unlikely that a companion star could create the
> pattern of eclipses seen in the candidate multiple planet systems, notes
> Steffen. The main confounding source that the team hasn’t entirely
> excluded would be a planet orbiting a neighboring star.
> Once the masses of the candidates are measured and combined with their
> diameters from the transit observations, researchers can determine the
> average densities of the bodies.
> “From those densities, we can distinguish rocky planets from gas giants
> and water worlds,” says Marcy. “Kepler is opening a future for planet
> hunting in which the orbits, masses, densities and architectures of full
> planetary systems will be captured as a quantitative family portrait.”
> The findings may also bode well for finding systems similar to the Earth’s
> solar system and for hunting habitable planets, comments Alan Boss of the
> Carnegie Institution for Science in Washington, D.C., who is not a member
> of the Kepler team.
> “The fact that multiple transiting planets are seen means that they must
> all orbit more or less in the same plane, like our solar system,” he says.
> In contrast, some recently identified planets don’t all lie in the same
> plane (SN Online: 5/14/10
> [
> http://www.sciencenews.org/view/generic/id/59211/title/Planets_in_nearby_system_are_off-kilter%2C_measurements_show
> ])
> and have probably been thrown around by gravitational interactions with
> other planets in the system. More sedate systems might be more likely to
> support life.

"If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell
wrote the script?" -- Charles E Grant



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