I asked around the office the other day if there was anyone who would debate me 
on the merits of Tom Cruise. Strangely, no one leapt to meet this challenge. 
Stranger still, I would be taking the pro-Tom position, and they merely had to 
assemble a case against Tom Cruise, who is attempting a loud, flashy 
crocodile-grinning return to his previous employment as unimpeachable Hollywood 
gold. "Knight and Day" — with Cameron Diaz — just opened, the first 
Cruise-centric summer film since "Mission: Impossible III" in 2006. But nobody 
bought in.

Which, if you are Tom Cruise, should be chilling. Now that his glare has lost 
its wattage — as would be reasonably expected of any actor who became a 
superstar at 21 and is approaching his 48th birthday (July 3) — the guy could 
use a spirited defense.

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