Williams wants crack at 'Batman'


Robin Williams is urging movie bosses to cast him in the next Batman movie
- because he has twice been turned down for parts in the superhero

Rumours over casting for Christopher Nolan's upcoming third superhero film
have been rife ever since The Dark Knight, starring Heath Ledger as The
Joker, hit cinemas in 2008 - with fans speculating over which characters
will be re-introduced.

Nolan is said to be considering bringing feline femme fatale Catwoman back
for the new movie, along with The Riddler.

Williams is adamant he would make a good replacement for Jim Carrey, who
played the fiendish puzzler in 1995's Batman Forever, because the part was
originally offered to him. The funnyman also reveals he was lined up to
play The Joker in the original 1989 Batman movie before the role was later
handed to Jack Nicholson - and the snubs have made him determined to
secure a part in the next installment of the hit franchise.

He tells Empire magazine, "I would do Batman in a second. I'd play The
Riddler in the next one, although it would be hard to top Heath Ledger as
the villain and I'm a little hairy for tights.

"The Batman films have screwed me twice before: years ago they offered me
The Joker and then gave it to Jack Nicholson, then they offered me The
Riddler and gave it to Jim Carrey. I'd be like, 'OK, is this a real offer?
If it is, then the answer's yes. Don't pump me again motherf**kers'."

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