This, Mr Worf, I like. I remember, decades ago, talking this over with
fellow students in college. One of us mentioned the possibility of silicon,
and we all got misty-eyed, knowing the the technology was still years off.

On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 4:05 PM, Mr. Worf <> wrote:

> Silicon breakthrough brings quantum computers a step closer
> By Dario Borghino <>
> *17:06 June 29, 2010*
>  [image: A high-energy laser pulse (red) can modify the state of a
> phosphorus electron (yellow) 
> wit...]<>
> A high-energy laser pulse (red) can modify the state of a phosphorus
> electron (yellow) within silicon (gray) so that its density distribution
> becomes the one highlighted in green. The output laser beams provide
> information on the superposition that was just created
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> An international team of researchers from the University of 
> Surrey<>,
> UCL <>, Heriot-Watt University <>and 
> the FOM
> Institute for Plasma Physics <> have used
> infra-red laser to obtain precise control of the quantum superpositions of
> an electron in silicon for the first time. This feat marks yet another leap
> toward the dream of an affordable, fast and reliable quantum 
> computer<>
> .
> Close to reaching the insurmountable performance wall of conventional
> electronics, researchers have long been working on a completely different
> approach to information processing. Should this technology be perfected
> within the next 15 to 20 years as is expected, quantum computing would not
> only allow us to reach miniaturizations far beyond the predictions of
> Moore's law, but would also allow us to solve existing problems with
> significantly less operations, as we;; as problems – particularly in the
> security area – that computers using the traditional approach are unable to
> even formulate.
> In the quantum computing world, superposition is the ability of a "quantum
> bit" to assume two or more values at the same time; while counterintuitive,
> this property forms the basis for the unique and extraordinarily efficient
> approach of this emerging technology. Precise control of 
> superpositions<>has
>  been achieved
> before<>,
> as was a rudimental all-electronic quantum 
> processor<>,
> but this piece of research marks the very first time that superpositions are
> being controlled in silicon, which paves the way to significantly cheaper
> quantum computers.
> The team used an infrared, high-energy laser pulse to put a phosphorus
> electron orbiting within silicon into two states at once, and then went on
> to show that the electrons emit a burst of light at a well-defined time
> after the superposition was created, proving the full control over the
> quantum state of the atoms.
> "This is a real breakthrough for modern electronics and has huge potential
> for the future," explained Prof. Ben Murdin, who was part of the research
> team. "Lasers have had an ever increasing impact on technology, especially
> for the transmission of processed information between computers, and this
> development illustrates their potential power for processing information
> inside the computer itself."
> A 
> Paper<>detailing
>  the team's finding is available from the online edition of the
> journal *Nature*.
> --
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