Brent... I think it's time that Tyler Perry reached out to Melski. Cameo in
the next Madea movie. Might help him to understand...

On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 11:33 PM, brent wodehouse <> wrote:

> Mel Gibson's outrageous new rant: Is it time for more anger management?
> July 1, 2010
> We all know that Mel Gibson is a very, very angry guy, something that
> seems to surface at the most inopportune times, as when the WGN-TV
> reporter Dean Richards had the temerity to ask the actor, on camera, about
> the fallout from his 2006 drunk driving arrest and Gibson called him a
> profane name that we can't repeat here. After that incident, Gibson
> acknowledged that "I have a short fuse. I'm trying to work on it."
> But judging from this explosive new story that just broke at
>, Gibson needs to put a little more time into anger
> management. Maybe a lot more time. Radar reporters say they have heard a
> tape made by Oksana Grigorieva, Gibson's ex-girlfriend and mother of his
> baby daughter, Lucia, who have been battling in court over custody issues.
> In an e-mail to The Times, Gibson representative Alan Nierob said that he
> had not yet confirmed the report's accuracy "due to legal matters."
> According to Radar, Gibson is heard yelling insults at Grigorieva,
> including a nasty racial epithet known in polite society as the N-word. In
> one of his rants, Gibson reportedly says, "You look like a ... pig in
> heat, and if you get raped by a pack of ..., it will be your fault."
> In addition to a string of derogatory words referring to Grigorieva's
> womanhood, Gibson also is said to have threatened her, saying "I am going
> to come and burn the ... house down," adding, "but you will [perform oral
> sex on] me first."
> There's much, much more, but I'll spare you the gory details. You'll
> undoubtedly hear all about them in the media uproar that is sure to
> follow. If Gibson has an explanation for his racial epithets, which of
> course echo the vile anti-Semitic remarks he made after his DUI arrest, it
> is sure to be a doozy. So far, according to Radar, Gibson has not denied
> having a confrontation with Grigorieva but has simply described it,
> through his lawyer, as a loud argument.
> It's way too early to start talking about the career fallout from his
> latest tirade, except to say that if these tapes are authentic, Gibson
> should be figuring out not whether to make an apology, but when and where.
> It's a sad thing to realize that the actor who was so gifted at playing
> bitter, violent men on screen is apparently drawing all too easily on a
> store of bitterness and anger from deep inside his own psyche. It sounds
> to me as if it's time for Gibson's friends to get this man some help. Fast.

"If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell
wrote the script?" -- Charles E Grant

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