I remember that song with him and the two guys from Devo. It was a fairly
big hit for him. I think what allowed Michael to stand out more was that
there was a higher level of originality and creativity with Michael's
material. Jermanie's music seemed to be more derivative even when he was
trying to do something unique.

On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 7:30 AM, Martin Baxter <martinbaxt...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Have I been living under a rock, to have missed this?
> ===================================================================
> Frequency Rotation: Jermaine Jackson, “Escape From The Planet Of The Ant
> Men”
> Jason Heller <http://www.tor.com/community/users/JasonHeller>
>  *Each week, *Frequency Rotation *probes a different song with a
> speculative-fiction theme. Genre, musical quality, and overall seriousness
> may vary.*
> “Remember Michael Jackson,” the headlines have been screaming over the past
> couple weeks. The anniversary of the pop icon’s death is upon us, and fan
> and hater alike had better get used to the exhaustive media tributes (and
> fresh rounds of reissues, lawsuits, and Jackson family drama) that will be
> popping up every summer from now until the end of existence.
> Personally, I don’t mind. I love spectacle, and I love Michael Jackson—and
> the two, after all, go hand in hand. His video for “Thriller” fricasseed my
> tender brain when I was a kid, and his revamping of trashy genre tropes was
> uncannily in sync with my own warped development at the time. Michael,
> though, isn’t the only Jackson with geek cred: Behold the secret
> science-fiction life of Jermaine Jackson.
> More at:
> http://www.tor.com/blogs/2010/07/frequency-rotation-jermaine-jackson-escape-from-the-planet-of-the-ant-men?j=24116312&e=truthseeker_...@yahoo.com&l=15162145_HTML&u=276428062&mid=83886&jb=0
> --
> "If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell
> wrote the script?" -- Charles E Grant
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQUxw9aUVik

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