Are there any dating methods such as the famous Carbon-14 dating that would 
pinpoint age that's so relatively young? Typically archaelogists and scientists 
are dating things that are hundreds, thousands, even millions of years old, so 
an accuracy of a few decades isn't needed. I was wondering if something like 
C-14 dating would work on her. Of course, they'd have to remove a bit of bone 
and let it "die" to do that test, which ain't cool! Just wondered if there are 
any other dating methods that could be done if a small amount of her body 
tissue was removed and analyzed? 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mr. Worf" <> 
Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 4:22:21 PM 
Subject: [scifinoir2] Census discovers 157-year-old woman 

Census discovers 157-year-old woman 

June 08, 2010 09:28:55 AM 
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 ShareEstimates of the size and composition of Indonesia's booming population 
may remain just that despite an ongoing census, if the "discovery" of a 
157-year-old woman is anything to go by. 

Census officials have said they believe the woman's claims to have been born in 
1853, when Giuseppe Verdi's La Traviata debuted in Venice, the Crimean War 
erupted and San Francisco got its first street signs at intersections. 

"There's no authentic data to prove her age but judging from her statements and 
the age of her adopted daughter, who's now 108 years old, it's difficult to 
doubt it," statistics bureau official Jhonny Sardjono said. 

The only person verified to have lived past 120 years of age was Frenchwoman 
Jeanne Calment, who died in 1997 at the age of 122. 

South Sumatran villager Turinah would be fully 25 years older than Calment when 
she died, according to officials. 

Even more incredible, she still works around the house and has smoked clove 
cigarettes all her life, Mr Sardjono said. 

"Despite her age she still has an incredible memory, clear sight and has no 
hearing problems. She speaks Dutch quite fluently," he added. Indonesia was a 
Dutch colony for hundreds of years until 1945. 

He said Turinah burnt all her identification documents to avoid being linked to 
an alleged communist coup in 1965. 

Indonesia is the world's fourth most populous country with a population of 
about 240 million people. 

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has said the census results will be 
important for future governance. 

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