No, Bosco, you aren't missing anything. IMO, this is just the "SF doesn't
really matter to us" syndrome at work. For those of you who doubt me, try
this experiment.

If there's a B Dalton's in your area, go to it. Walk in the door, go as
straight as you can to the rear of the store, and hang  aright.

You'll be in the SF/Fantasy section. Where no one has to see it unless they
*want* to see it. (I've tested this theory in six states, from California to
Virginia, and found only two exceptions.)

On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 11:36 PM, Bosco Bosco <> wrote:

> So last week after noticing I hadn't actually used my home phone in more
> than 7 months, I decided to ditch it. I upgraded my ATT Uverse package and
> now have actual pay programing which is costing me less than the previous
> package.
> I was unfamiliar with the encore and starz end of the cable spectrum as I
> have never had premium channels before. They have western, action, mystery
> and other genre channels that are none to shabby. I have to wonder why they
> don't have a sci-fi or speculative fiction channel. It seems a natural.
> Surely there is bandwidth and programming available? Or am I missing
> something?
> Bosco

"If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell
wrote the script?" -- Charles E Grant

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