I take in a lot of media.  But I've never heard the idea that the Middle Ages 
didn't exist. 

On Jul 14, 2010, at 7:43 AM, "Mr. Worf" <hellomahog...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm surprised that we haven't seen any of these in a movie yet.
> On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 4:26 AM, Martin Baxter <martinbaxt...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Thank you, Mr Worf. #s 5-9 are prime fodder for my work.
> On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 4:40 PM, Mr. Worf <hellomahog...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 10 Bizarre Theories And The Facts Surrounding Them
> Share This- Published July 24, 2008 - 550 Comments
> Previously we posted a list on conspiracy theories, but the items on this 
> list are not really suited to that genre. This is a list of bizarre theories 
> or beliefs that many people subscribe to – with a list of the facts as far as 
> modern science is concerned. This is not meant as a criticism of believers, 
> but as a discussion of the theories and facts.
> 10
> Magic
> The Theory: The theory is by using certain objects such as a candle, a dagger 
> and a wide variety of things you can bend the universe to your will 
> completely ignoring the laws of physics and the practical laws of the 
> universe.
> The facts: Many people claim that they can use such powers as summoning 
> demons, angels or other things and the OOBE or out of body experience under 
> laboratory conditions but no one has been able to prove it so far. There are 
> incidents that do defy logical explanations, such as some people’s claims of 
> using the Ouija board, though since none of these events can be proven it is 
> very weak evidence.
> 9
> Reptoids
> The Theory: This has to be one of the most outlandish theories ever brought 
> forth, it is claimed most famously by David Icke but as well by several 
> others. It states that the royal family of Britain, President Bush’s family 
> as well as many other higher ups are actually aliens that are here to 
> secretly take over earth, feeding off of humans to maintain their “human 
> form”.
> The facts: Most of the theorists proof consists of enhanced photos of people 
> such as Mr. Bush with reptile looking eyes, though they have come forth with 
> many other forms of proof such as videos and other reptile aspects of the 
> reptoids here on earth. The videos all brought forth have been proven fake or 
> are so obviously fake no one has wasted  time and resources to look into it.
> 8
> 2008 is actually 1711
> The Theory: The theory here is that the early Middle Ages never existed and 
> we have been counting the earth almost 200 years older than it actually is.
> The facts: Well, there is no solid way to prove or disprove it, since the 
> very theory says the carbon dating of this age is flawed. They also claim the 
> written test from that era is a forgery from people of that era. Though they 
> have not put forth a reason why and there is no solid evidence from them to 
> prove this theory since the basis of their theory stops us from being able to 
> scientifically prove they are wrong. It is a matter of who believes what, 
> though the evidence does seem to be stronger for the side against the Middle 
> Ages not existing. Since all this theory says is that the carbon dating is 
> incorrect and the writings are forgeries though we have an almost perfect 
> time line with the carbon dating we use, we can almost cast this one aside 
> without proof.
> 7
> Nazi Advances
> The Theory: The theory is the Nazis were much farther ahead than technology
> would allow them to be at the time. It ranges wildly but one of the most 
> popular versions is that the Nazis landed on the moon as early as 1942 and 
> established a moon base on the dark side of the moon. They also had 
> establishments with at least half a dozen alien civilizations, and that the 
> remaining Nazis remain on the moon to this day.
> The facts: There are so many holes in this Theory, for example most skeptics 
> believe that we haven’t had any contact at all with aliens as of yet, as well 
> the dark side of the moon is freezing, they would need amazing machinery to 
> accomplish living there. They would need a way to renew all their resources; 
> this could be explained by growing plants for food and air. But they would 
> also need an energy source of some kind, which there would have to be one not 
> yet discovered by us back here on earth.
> 6
> Hollow Earth
> The Theory: The theory is the earth is actually hollow and is not filled with 
> magma. It ranges from there being several layered shells on the inside 
> (usually four) to the inside having ground like ours, with 800 miles of crust 
> between us and them, most people usually say there is also an inner sun.
> The facts: Though this is not quite as insane or as impossible as the others 
> it is still highly unlikely. We don’t know for sure what’s under our earth’s 
> crust but this theory completely forgets to mention where the magma that 
> erupts from volcanoes comes from if the earth is hollow. As well, the inner 
> sun would pose numerous problems such as the inner inhabitants most likely 
> being sucked into its gravity or caught in solar flares from it. This theory 
> is often supported by the fact that it is impossible to search the bottom of 
> the Arctic currently for it. There is  also a castle in Europe with defenses 
> set to defend against an attack from the inside out. Since the hole to the 
> inner earth is under a chapel in the castle, that would involve taking down 
> the castle to check this theory, the owner’s won’t allow this, many often use 
> this as proof. Note  sometimes this and number 7 have been mixed together, 
> saying the remaining Nazis fled to the inner earth.
> 5
> Terraformed Mars
> The theory: The theory here is that Mars is already being terraformed behind 
> our backs by groups such as NASA and the ESA, it is a fairly new claim and is 
> supported only by speculation and a few pictures.
> The facts: First off the price, it seems almost no theorist takes price into 
> account when they come up with these ideas, NASA is already having trouble as 
> it is keeping themselves funded. The price of bringing something to Mars that 
> could terraform it would cost billions, possibly even trillions. The computer 
> technology required to make sure it did every little thing right would cost 
> even more. Not to mention the time, it takes a Lander to get to Mars from 
> earth so something that big would take years to get there and might not even 
> work when it did. Our best bet for terraforming Mars at the moment is to take 
> prehistoric microbes that feed off carbon dioxide and others gases and let 
> them form Mars in the same way scientists think they formed earth. Of course 
> this in itself would take millions of years, at the present there seems no 
> way to terraform Mars and no reason to.
> 4
> Healing Thoughts
> The Theory: The theory is that using your mind to think positive and 
> encourage yourself and others to feel better really helps and can replace 
> medicine.
> The facts: Sadly this is believed by many people, and though it certainly 
> can’t hurt for the common cold, since rest and relaxation
> are the best things for it after all. For more serious diseases people who 
> really believe in this may not go to a doctor, and as such they can damage 
> their body, or even kill themselves. This is no more effective than prayer 
> which when it does seem to work can be explained away as coincidence. Many 
> people actually do believe in it and luckily for some of them the placebo 
> effect makes a major appearance, since they think their getting better, their 
> bodies get stronger and they do sometimes pull through.
> 3
> Chakras
> The Theory: We each have seven chakras going down from the top of our head to 
> our feet, they can be used for a variety of things and awakening one can 
> usually help you with a specific thing, such as enhanced hearing, sudden 
> realization and the list goes on.
> The facts: There is no way to prove these things exist. But people believe in 
> them, some more so than a soul. They are usually connected with paranormal 
> cases and as such usually don’t have any specific stories all their own. 
> Though there have been some reports of people having slightly greater 
> abilities or knowing what will happen before it does. This is usually 
> explained by a ‘sixth sense’, often described as the brain’s way to activate 
> the subconscious mind which helps us gather information and process it in 
> such a way that we don’t know how we acquired it but we have the information. 
> This can explain why people think they’ve been to places they never have, and 
> many other feelings of that nature; this can also explain away almost all if 
> not all of the chakra cases.
> 2
> Holographic-reality
> The Theory: The theory here is that life does not exist, we are all in fact 
> test programs in a giant virtual reality or the players of that reality 
> itself.
> The facts: Once again there is no specific way to disprove this theory. 
> Though it would mean in reality we would probably look much different or not 
> exist at all. There is not much of a base for this to stand on, since it is 
> another ‘can’t prove can’t disprove’ paradox, it is back to our own judgment. 
> Strange as it may seem this theory could explain a lot of the problems with 
> the world and things such as carbon dating. If we all were/are just test 
> subjects in a large-scale virtual reality test, then all of the anomalies we 
> find, and many of the world mysteries could be explained as bugs and glitches 
> in the program. There is no solid proof that it does exist though, and it is 
> most likely just generated by people’s fears of the age of technology we’re 
> stepping into, and what it may do to us.
> 1
> Religion
> The Theory: Though the theory varies greatly from religion to religion, most 
> of them believe that there is a being or beings greater then anything else in 
> the universe that created the earth. It is still generally accepted in 
> western civilization that there is a god.
> The facts: We find ourselves at another paradox, there is no way to prove or 
> disprove any religion. Many believers in their religion will often say god is 
> testing us as he has faked much of the things we see in  history. Such as 
> dinosaur bones being millions of years old. However skeptics usually point 
> out other facts, such as the second you accept one religion you are literally 
> rejecting thousands of others. Skeptics will also point to the overwhelming 
> evidence that all so-called effects of prayer can be explained through mere 
> coincidence. They will also point to errors in the Bible writings, and 
> problems with the whole idea of heaven in general. Despite this evidence many 
> people continue to worship their gods. Skeptics generally believe that 
> religion was established for one of two reasons. Reason one because people 
> were scared and looked for a way to say this life isn’t all you get. The 
> second reason is that people were confused and tried to come up with an 
> answer as to why and how all this stuff got here, so they came up with the 
> ideas of gods. None the less following certain things from certain religions 
> isn’t necessarily a bad thing. The one common thing you will find in all 
> religions usually written in different words but with the same meaning: do 
> unto others what you would want others to do to you. A fine motto to live by.
> Contributor: Beranabus, Editor: Cyn
> -- 
> Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity! 
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> -- 
> "If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell 
> wrote the script?" -- Charles E Grant
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQUxw9aUVik
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