I think it had something to do with their chemical makeup. I dunno.

I did find this on the Nasa Science page:

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 4:46 PM, Keith Johnson <keithbjohn...@comcast.net>wrote:

> Now why would women survive more often than mean? Does body fat content
> have anything to do with how the body would conduct the electricity??
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Mr. Worf" <hellomahog...@gmail.com>
> To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 4:31:39 PM
> Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Sadly Needed Info--How to Avoid Lightning Strikes
> They say that your chances of being struck by lightning is less if you are
> female.
> I find it interesting that some people have been struck and survived.
> Remember that guy that was struck 9 times?
> On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 9:50 AM, Keith Johnson 
> <keithbjohn...@comcast.net>wrote:
>> Yesterday, two teenage girls were struck by lightning here in the Atlanta
>> area ( http://www.ajc.com/news/cobb/teen-dies-after-being-569897.html ).
>> They were standing under a tree near their apartment complex. One of the
>> girls is likely to live, the other died. I'm not sure if the girls intended
>> to use the tree as shelter, or were simply standing near it when the
>> lightning struck. Either way, they didn't realize the danger, which really
>> saddens me. I remember as  young boy being lectured over and over by my mom
>> about getting in out of the storm. It was drilled into me not to stand near
>> a tree, a chain link fence, telephone pole, or a car during a storm. I
>> remember my mom yelling at me to throw down the rake, shovel, waterhose, or
>> baseball bat I might have been holding as dark clouds and rumbling thunders
>> approached. And boy was it hammered home  not to use the phone or take a
>> bath  during a storm. I think as the years go by, and fewer people grow up
>> with the wisdom of ancestors who spent a lot of time outdoors, we perhaps
>> fail to remember or heed those lessons. Frankly, as our technology allows us
>> to avoid things like power outages and interrupted phone service more, I
>> think sometimes the threats that Nature still presents seem to diminish.
>> Even I-- with all of Mom's warnings in my head, and all the knowledge of
>> such things a degree in Electrical Engineering brought--have in the past
>> foolishly jumped into the shower in my second-floor bathroom with storms
>> raging practically overhead. And Lord knows youngsters often dismiss such
>> warnings as the superstitions of old folk.
>> But as this event sadly shows, Nature is still supreme, and we really need
>> to heed those old, country-sounding words of wisdom. To that effect, I'm
>> posting a few tips on how to avoid lightning strikes gathered from the Net.
>> Sorry for the link and the use of multiple sources, but I think the
>> information is a quick read and just might save a life. If nothing else,
>> please be sure you have a talk with your kids about it, so we don't have
>> more stories like this sad one.
>> *************************
>> [http://www.ucar.edu/communications/infopack/lightning/faq.html#avoid
>> Outdoors, the idea is to avoid being near--or being--the highest object
>> around. Get away from isolated trees, metal fences, wire clotheslines, and
>> the like, and avoid standing in an exposed area or near water. If you are
>> the tallest thing around, or in a boat on open water, crouch down to reduce
>> your height (but don't lie flat). Lay down metal sports equipment and
>> dismount bicycles. Take especially swift action if your hair stands on end,
>> as that means charged particles are starting to use your body as a pathway.
>> The safest form of vehicle is one with a fully enclosed, all-metal body,
>> which helps to channel electricity around the interior. Make sure the car's
>> windows and doors are completely closed. Finally, remember that lightning
>> can, and often does, strike the same spot more than once--even the same
>> person. U.S. park ranger Roy Sullivan reportedly was struck seven times
>> between 1942 and 1977.]
>> ************************
>> http://www.hitthetrail.com/lightning.php
>>    - If you're boating or swimming, get to land, get off the beach and
>>    find shelter immediately. Stay away from rivers, lakes and other bodies of
>>    water. Water is an excellent conductor of electricity and nearby lightning
>>    strikes often travel through it.
>>    - Whenever possible, take shelter in substantial, permanent, enclosed
>>    structures, such as reinforced buildings. Avoid unprotected gazebos, rain 
>> or
>>    picnic shelters, baseball dugouts and bleachers; these structures are 
>> often
>>    isolated and located in otherwise open areas, making them a target for
>>    lightning. Also, they're generally poorly anchored and can easily be
>>    uprooted and blown over by strong thunderstorm winds. Lastly, these
>>    structures offer little protection from large hail.
>>    - If there are no reinforced buildings in sight, take shelter in a
>>    car, truck or other hard-topped vehicle. Keep the windows closed. Although
>>    rubber tires provide no protection from lightning, the steel frame of a
>>    hard-topped vehicle does increase protection if you are not touching 
>> metal.
>>    If lightning does strike your car, you may be injured but you are much 
>> safer
>>    inside a vehicle than outside.
>>    - If you are in the woods, find an area protected by a low clump of
>>    trees. Never stand under a large tree in the open. Be aware of possible
>>    flooding in low-lying areas.
>>    - As a last resort, if no shelter is available, go to a low-lying,
>>    open place away from trees, poles or metal objects. Pick a place that is 
>> not
>>    subject to flooding. Have as little contact with the ground as possible;
>>    make yourself the smallest target possible. Squat low to the ground, and
>>    cover your head. Do not lie flat, as this makes you a larger target.
>>    - Avoid tall structures, such as towers, tall trees, fences, telephone
>>    lines and power lines. Lightning strikes the tallest object in an area.
>>    - Stay away from lightning rods, golf clubs, tractors, fishing rods,
>>    bicycles and camping equipment. Lightning is attracted to metal poles and
>>    rods.
>>    - If you are isolated in a level field and feel your hair stand on end
>>    (an indication lightning is about to strike), immediately make yourself 
>> the
>>    smallest target possible. Drop to your knees and bend forward, putting 
>> your
>>    hands on your knees. Or crouch on the balls of your feet. Do not lie flat 
>> on
>>    the ground.
>> *********************************
>> http://www.publicaffairs.noaa.gov/grounders/lightningsafety.html
>> *Avoiding the Risks of Deadly Lightning Strikes*
>> Lightning is one of the most underrated severe weather hazards, yet ranks
>> as the second-leading weather killer in the United States. More deadly than
>> hurricanes or tornadoes, lightning strikes in America each year kill an
>> average of 73 people and injure 300 others, according to NOAA's National
>> Weather Service <http://www.nws.noaa.gov/>.
>> *How Lightning Works*
>> Lightning is caused by the attraction between positive and negative
>> charges in the atmosphere, resulting in the buildup and discharge of
>> electrical energy. This rapid heating and cooling of the air produces the
>> shock wave that results in thunder. During a storm, raindrops can acquire
>> extra electrons, which are negatively charged. These surplus electrons seek
>> out a positive charge from the ground. As they flow from the clouds, they
>> knock other electrons free, creating a conductive path. This path follows a
>> zigzag shape that jumps between randomly distributed clumps of charged
>> particles in the air. When the two charges connect, current surges through
>> that jagged path, creating the lightning bolt.
>> *The Warning Signs*
>> High winds, rainfall, and a darkening cloud cover are the warning signs
>> for possible cloud-to-ground lightning strikes. While many lightning
>> casualties happen at the beginning of an approaching storm, more than 50
>> percent of lightning deaths occur after the thunderstorm has passed. The
>> lightning threat diminishes after the last sound of thunder, but may persist
>> for more than 30 minutes. When thunderstorms are in the area, but not
>> overhead, the lightning threat can exist when skies are clear.
>> *Safety Precautions*
>> While nothing offers absolute safety from lightning, some actions can
>> greatly reduce your risks. If a storm is approaching, avoid being in, or
>> near, high places, open fields, isolated trees, unprotected gazebos, rain or
>> picnic shelters, baseball dugouts, communications towers, flagpoles, light
>> poles, bleachers (metal or wood), metal fences, convertibles, golf carts and
>> water. If you can see lightning or hear thunder, the risk is already
>> present. Louder or more frequent thunder means lightning activity is
>> approaching, increasing the risk for lightning injury or death. If the time
>> delay between seeing the lightning and hearing the thunder is less than 30
>> seconds, you are in danger.
>> No place is absolutely safe from the lightning threat, however, some
>> places are safer than others. Large enclosed structures are safer than
>> smaller, or open, structures. Avoiding lightning injury inside a building
>> depends on whether the structure incorporates lightning protection and its
>> size. When inside during a thunderstorm, avoid using the telephone, taking a
>> shower, washing your hands, doing dishes, or having contact with conductive
>> surfaces, including metal doors, window frames, wiring and plumbing.
>> Generally, enclosed metal vehicles, with the windows rolled up, provide good
>> shelter from lightning.
>> *Action Plan For Outside Events*
>> Coordinators of outdoor events should monitor the weather and evacuate
>> participants when appropriate. School buses are an excellent lightning
>> shelter, which outdoor event organizers can provide. Consider placing
>> lightning safety tips and/or the action plan in game programs, flyers,
>> scorecards, etc., and placing lightning safety placards around the area.
>> Lightning warning signs are effective means of communicating the lightning
>> threat to the general public and raise awareness.
>> *First Aid for Lightning Victims*
>> Ninety percent of lightning victims survive their encounter with
>> lightning, especially with timely medical treatment. Individuals struck by
>> lightning do not carry a charge, and it is safe to touch them and provide
>> medical treatment. Call 911 and start mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. If the
>> victim has no pulse, begin cardiac compressions. In cold, wet situations put
>> a protective layer between the victim and the ground to lower the risk of
>> hypothermia.
> --
> Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
> Mahogany at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mahogany_pleasures_of_darkness/

Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
Mahogany at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mahogany_pleasures_of_darkness/

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