Ranger walking robot sets new world record at 1.34mph

By Darren Quick <http://www.gizmag.com/author/darren-quick/>

*00:26 July 26, 2010*

  [image: Cornell Ranger gets a walking buddy in Fatemeh Hasaneini, a
daughter of one of the

Cornell Ranger gets a walking buddy in Fatemeh Hasaneini, a daughter of one
of the students who worked on the robot
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It might not have been setting a cracking pace, but a Cornell University
robot named Ranger set an unofficial world record on July 6 when it walked
14.3 miles in about 11 hours on a single charge. The untethered, four-legged
bipedal robot was steered around the 1/8-mile indoor track in Cornell’s
Barton Hall by a human operator using a standard toy remote control some
108.5 times. On its record setting journey Ranger made 65,185 steps, beating
the former record for an untethered legged robot of 12.8 miles set by Boston
Dynamics’ BigDog <http://www.gizmag.com/go/5305/>.

Standing still, Ranger looks a bit like a tall sawhorse and its gait
suggests a human on crutches, alternately swinging forward two outside legs
and then two inside ones. There are no knees, but its feet can flip up out
of the way, while it swings its legs so that the robot can finish its step.
The robot also features two blue foam “eyes” that are purely for fall
protection, as are the black foam “ears.”

One of the goals of the attempt was to show off the machine’s energy
efficiency. Unlike other walking robots that use motors to control every
movement, its creators say the Ranger appears more relaxed and in a way
emulates human walking, using gravity and momentum to help swing its legs
forward. It is powered by a 24.9V Lithium-ion battery and weighs a total of
18.6 lbs.

Because the robot walked in lanes two and three, the distance per lap is a
bit more than an eighth of a mile; its path was measured at 212.3 meters per
lap, giving it a total walk distance of (212.3 m)(108.5) = 23,034 m = 23.0
kilometers = 14.3 miles. Over the course of its journey the robot’s average
speed was 1.34 mph (2.15km/h) with 13.9-inches average distance per step and
an average time per step of 59 seconds. Ranger's long walk started Monday at
2:08 p.m. and ended at 12:48 a.m. Tuesday July 6, 2010 when its batteries
went dead, for a total walk time of 10 hours, 40 minutes, 48 seconds.

This is not the first time Ranger has held the record. In April 2008 it
strode about 5.6 miles around the Barton Hall to set the record, before
Boston Dynamics’ quadruped robot claimed the title by traveling 12.8 miles
without stopping or refueling.

Also, two days before setting out on his record setting walk Ranger had
walked 13 miles on one charge. So, not counting running out of juice, Ranger
walked more than 27 miles without failure.

built by a group of engineering students led by Andy Ruina, Cornell
<http://www.cornell.edu/>professor of theoretical and applied mechanics, who
says the new record not only advances robotics, but helps undergraduate
students learn about the mechanics of walking. The information could be
applied to rehabilitation, prostheses for humans and improving athletic
performance, she says.
 Gallery Images

   - [image: Ranger on his way to a new world
   - [image: Jason Cortell reclines as Lipeng Yuan pushes him after
   - [image: Ranger on his way to a new world
   - [image: Petr Zaytsev pushes Jason Cortell as he controls Ranger via

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