Nanotechnology and stem cells rejuvenate arteries

By Karen Sprey <>

*10:12 July 26, 2010*
   [image: A technique that combines nanotechnology with adult stem cells
appears to destroy

A technique that combines nanotechnology with adult stem cells appears to
destroy atherosclerotic plaque and rejuvenate arteries (Image: Patrick J.
Lynch, medical illustrator)
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A combination of nanotechnology and adult stem cells has been shown to
destroy arterial plaque atherosclerosis in the hearts of pigs. Animals that
received stem cells also showed signs of new blood vessel growth and
restoration of artery function, according to the study reported at the
American Heart Association's Basic Cardiovascular Sciences 2010 Scientific

The study was conducted at the Department of Internal Medicine and Research
Center of Regenerative Medicine, Ural State Medical Academy in
Yekaterinburg, Russia. Nanoparticles were infused into the heart of pigs,
along with adult stem cells, then heated by laser light until they burned
away arterial plaque. The volume of plaque shrunk an average of 28.9 percent
immediately after treatment across the three treatment groups, and six
months later it had declined 56.8 percent on average. In the control group,
plaque volume increased an average of 4.3 percent.

"Biophotonics (light therapy), plasmonics (plasma therapy), stem cell
therapy and nanotechnology might someday offer a completely novel treatment
to reduce artery plaque build-up," said lead author and research manager
Alexandr Kharlamov. "Nanoburning in combination with stem cell treatment
promises demolition of plaque and functional restoration of the vessel

This new approach may one day replace
a common treatment for
in which a balloon-tipped catheter is threaded into a blocked artery and the
balloon is inflated to restore blood flow. The balloon squeezes plaque
against the artery wall, but does not eliminate it.

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