10 Most Sinister
 James Massoud <http://urbantitan.com/author/james/> | Jul 07, 2010 | 11
comments <http://urbantitan.com/10-most-sinister-organisations/#comments>

Today’s date is the five-year anniversary of the London bomb attacks, which
left 52 people dead and over 700 injured. There are organisations that have
been set up all around the world with some pretty evil agendas. The main
reasons behind their purposes is more often than not polictically or
religiously motivated. Through acts of extreme violence, terrorism and
murder they show very little disregard for the safety of the innocent
people. But then again the innocent people, in their eyes, are most often
the targets. Here is a list of ten of some of the world’s most sinister
organisations who will stop at nothing to reach their life’s objectives.
*1. Al Qaeda*

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Image source - textually

Led by Osama bin Laden Al Qaeda came to the world’s attention after the
tragedies of September 11′s extreme terrorism attack on the Twin Towers in
New York 2001. Al Qaeda are basically a militant Islamist group that were
founded in the late 80s. Their jihad against the Western world has led to
attacks in the UK, Spain, Turkey and others, usually via suicide bombings.
It was bin Laden who declared a fatwa against the USA and all its allies,
and after the 2001 attacks on America the then U.S. president George W. Bush
issued the “War on Terrorism”.
*2. Aum Shinrikyo*

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Image source - college.ucla

This mysterious Japanese religious cult was founded in the 80s and was a
bizarre mix of Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, science-fiction and the
prophecies of Nostradamus! The group was founded by Shoko Ashara and after a
series of terrorist attacks with the use of chemical weapons the group came
to prominence in 1995 when they killed 12 commuters in the Tokyo subway and
injured thousands of others. They were eventually tracked down to a remote
part of Australia where they had been experimenting various chemical gases
on sheep. They have been linked with kidnappings, extortion and have even
reportedly had links with Russia where they planned to obtain the materials
needed to create an atomic bomb.
*3. Bilderberg Group*

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Image source - Wikipedia

Every year around 130 people of influence from around the world meet in
secrecy to discuss…well, no one knows because it is invitation only and they
reveal nothing to the public. The people who attend these annual meetings
are important figures from the fields of politics, banking, business, the
military and media (including Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke,
pictured). Everything that goes on stays between the group, which has led to
conspiracy theorists claiming that they are determining the fate of the
world. This may seem a little far fetched perhaps but with high levels of
armed security, and in some cases with the local police and even the
military guarding them, it begs the question: just what are these guys
desperately trying to hide?
*4. Christians United for Israel (CUFI)*

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* <http://urbantitan.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/HageeFlag.jpg>*

Image source - joshuapundit

Founded by John C Hagee, Christians United for Israel offeres its support
for the country. No harm there you think. Well there is when Hagee’s sermons
include beliefs that a nuclear war between Israel, the US and Iran has been
foretold in the Bible and that the group desire this to happen. Why? Because
the true believers will ascend to heaven of course while the rest of us will
perish in a nuclear hell. Hagee doesn’t stop there though because he’s
rather opinionated on some other subjects like homosexuality, Catholics and
Nazism. For example in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina Hagee said it was
God’s doing because the area had planned a Gay Pride march there!  Most
worrying of all though is that the man’s sermons are broadcast to 160 TV
stations, 50 radio stations and 8 networks across the world, reaching a
potential audience of 99 million homes per week.
*5. Church of Scientology*

Image source - dailycontributor

Regarded as the fastest growing religion in the world with 15 million
members and counting, Scientology has attracted a lot of controversy over
whether it really can be declared a religion or a money-making scheme. New
members are required to pay “donation” fees in order to undergo tests,
seminars and initiations. Should members wish to progress further up the
echelons of the religion then they can expect to pay thousands of dollars.
Founded on the basis of science-fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard’s bizarre
musings the religion has attracted the attention of celebrity status with
the likes of Tom Cruise, John Travolta and Kirsty Alley becoming members. It
is thought this was done on purpose though to attract publicity and gain
credibility. The church was embroiled in huge controversy in 1979 when it
was discovered that operatives of the religion had been involved in events
they called Operation Snow White. Infiltrating the U.S. government the
church operatives were involved in spying and theft of government
documentation on L. Ron Hubbard. The operation was considered to be the
single largest infiltration of the US government undertaken in history.
*6. Federal Security Service (FSB)*

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* <http://urbantitan.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/328px-FSB.svg_.png>*

Image source - Wikipedia

The FSB of the Russian Federation displaced the KGB after the break up of
the Soviet Union. The group have been linked with numerous controversial
incidents over the years such as coercion of the media, propagation of false
information, silencing of dissident voices and even murder – notoriously
that of former FSB officer Alexander Litvinenko. He was poisoned and killed
in his London home in 2006 after publishing books which criticised Putin and
the FSB, even criticising the group of staging a series of apartment
bombings which were designed to ease Putin’s ascent to power. No link was
ever proven of the Litvinenko murder but it is widely suspected that the FSB
are behind the incident.
*7. Hezbollah*

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Image source - Wikipedia

What initially started out as a Shi’a resistance movement against Israeli
invasion of Lebanon, Hezbollah has now grown so large they have their own
political branch, a paramilitary organisation, seats in the Lebanese
government, a radio station, a satellite TV station and the implementation
of various programs of social reform. The group have strong ties with Syria
and Iran, and apparently receive funding from the two. They’ve been
suspected of a series of bombings, kidnappings and plots against Israel
since the 80s. In 2006 though they became involved in full-scale war against
Israel, which although ended in a UN ceasefire was deemed largely as a
victory for the organisation. This boosted their level of support (87% of
the Lebanese population now support them) and has seen a major increase in
their power and influence.
*8. Mossad*

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* <http://urbantitan.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/dagan_meir-468.jpg>*

Image source - ivarfjeld

Initially set up to help establish a Jewish population in Palestine in 1948,
today Mossad are equivalent to the CIA in the USA or MI6 in the UK. They’ve
been heavily linked to counter intelligence, espionage, and covert action.
They are most notorious for their involvement in the “Kidon branch”, which
were responsible for assasinations of Islamic militants after the Munich
massacre in 1972 (as depicted in Steven Spielberg’s film “Munich”). Other
reported missions include the targeted assassination and kidnapping of
ex-Nazi party members, hiding out around the world, especially in South
America. Often rebelling against foreign reltions they were also responsible
for the hijacking of a German freighter and the theft of its cargo – 200
tons of uranium oxide. The material was regarded to be indispensable for the
development of Israel’s nuclear weapons. Such actions leave the organisation
totally unpredictable.
*9. State Security Department of North Korea*

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Image source - huffingtonpost

In one of the world’s most mysterious countries the State Security
Department of North Korea are the nation’s secret police who report directly
to the leader Kim Jong Il. Their duties are to identify possible sources of
dissidence and then to eliminate them. They manage North Korea’s
concentration camp (Camp 22), which is reportedly the size of Washington,
and holds around 50,000 prisoners. Although much information is hard to
obtain from the secretive nation it is reported that acts of chemical
experimentation have been carried out on the inmates. It is largely
suspected the North Korea have an active nuclear weapons programme, leaving
the USA in a state of complete paranoia that the North Koreans could
infiltrate their country.
*10. Xe Services LLC (Blackwater Worldwide)*

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Image source - nydailynews

A private military contractors group, founded in the 90s, that have become
the favoured mercenaries for hire  in the U.S. The group was set up by Erik
Prince, although little is known about him or the organisation itself
because they like to remain out of the limelight. With a reported 40,000
members, made up of ex-policemen and servicemen, they’ve been heavily
involved with the USA in the war in Iraq. They have courted controversy
though. In 2007 Blackwater personnel opened fire on a crowd of Iraqi
civilians, killing 17 people. FBI investigations claim that the killings
were justifiable although many still hold their suspicions.

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