Wow. Thanks for this, Mr Worf.

On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 12:39 AM, Mr. Worf <> wrote:

> Ship lost for more than 150 years is recovered [image: AP]
> <**>
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>    [image: Hms Investigator]
> <>
>  AP – FILE
> - This 1851 illustration shows the HMS Investigator on the north coast of
> Baring Island in the Arctic. …
>   Wed Jul 28, 9:24 pm ET
> TORONTO – Canadian archeologists have found a ship abandoned more than 150
> years ago in the quest for the fabled Northwest Passage and which was lost
> in the search for the doomed expedition of Sir John Franklin, the head of
> the team said Wednesday.
> Marc-Andre Bernier, Parks Canada's head of underwater archaeology, said the
> HMS 
> Investigator<>,
> abandoned in the ice in 1853, was found in shallow water in Mercy Bay along
> the northern coast of Banks Island in Canada's western Arctic.
> "The ship is standing upright in very good condition. It's standing in
> about 11 meters (36 feet) of water," he said. "This is definitely of the
> utmost importance. This is the ship that sailed the last leg of the
> Northwest Passage."
> The Investigator was one of many American and British ships sent out to
> search for the HMS 
> Erebus<>and
>  the Terror, vessels commanded by Franklin in his ill-fated search for
> the Northwest Passage in 1845.
> Environment Minister Jim Prentice said the British government has been
> notified that one of their naval shipwrecks has been discovered, as well as
> the bodies of three sailors.
> Captained by Robert McClure, the Investigator sailed in 1850. That year,
> McClure sailed the Investigator into the strait that now bears his name and
> realized that he was in the final leg of the Northwest Passage, the sea route
> across North 
> America<>
> .
>  *Click image to see more photos on anthropology and 
> archaeology*<*>
> <*>
> But before he could sail into the Beaufort Sea, the ship was blocked by
> pack ice and forced to winter-over in Prince of Wales Strait along the east
> coast of Banks 
> Island<>
> .
> The following summer, McClure tried again to sail to the end of the
> Passage, but was again blocked by ice. He steered the ship and crew into a
> large bay on the island's north coast he called the Bay of Mercy.
> There they were to remain until 1853, when they were rescued by the crew of
> the HMS 
> Resolute<>.
> The Investigator was abandoned.
> "This is actually a human history," said Bernier. "Not only a history of
> the Passage, but the history of a crew of 60 men who had to overwinter three
> times in the Arctic not knowing if they were going to survive."
> The Parks Canada team arrived at Mercy Bay on July 22. Three days later,
> the ice on the bay cleared enough that researchers were able to deploy
> side-scanning sonar from a small inflatable boat over the site where they
> believed the wooden ship had eventually sunk. Within 15 minutes, the
> Investigator was found.
> "The ship had not moved too much from where it was abandoned," said
> Bernier.
> [New Titanic expedition will create 3D map of wreck
> <*>]
> The masts and rigging have long been sheared off by ice and weather. But
> the icy waters of the McClure Strait has preserved the vessel in remarkably
> good condition.
> "It's incredible," said Prentice from Mercy Bay. "You're actually able to
> peer down into the water and see not only the outline of the ship but
> actually the individual timbers.
> Archaeologists have also uncovered artifacts on land left behind by the
> stranded sailors, who unloaded everything before abandoning the
> Investigator.
> The graves of three sailors thought to have died of scurvy have been marked
> off and will be left undisturbed, said Bernier.
> [Giant predatory whale named for 'Moby Dick' 
> author<*>]
> Bernier said the next step will be to send down a remote controlled video
> camera to get actual pictures of the wreck. There are no plans to bring it
> to the surface and all legal steps will be taken to ensure the site remains
> protected.
> Bernier also said the team will use similar technology to find the 
> Erebus<>and
>  Terror.
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> --
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