Right off the top of my head, I'm seeing a possible form of energy
transmission, with little or no loss.

On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 11:58 AM, Mr. Worf <hellomahog...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Straining graphene creates strongest pseudo-magnetic fields ever sustained
> in a lab
> By Darren Quick <http://www.gizmag.com/author/darren-quick/>
> *00:10 July 30, 2010*
> 2 
> Pictures<http://www.gizmag.com/straining-graphene-creates-strong-pseudo-magnetic-fields/15891/picture/118643/>
>   [image: Scanning tunneling microscopy image of a graphene nanobubble,
> where the hexagonal 
> two-dime...]<http://www.gizmag.com/straining-graphene-creates-strong-pseudo-magnetic-fields/15891/picture/118643/>
> Scanning tunneling microscopy image of a graphene nanobubble, where the
> hexagonal two-dimensional graphene crystal is seen distorted and stretched
> along three main axes, creating pseudo-magnetic fields far stronger than any
> magnetic field ever produced in the laboratory
> *Image 
> Gallery<http://www.gizmag.com/straining-graphene-creates-strong-pseudo-magnetic-fields/15891/picture/118643/>(2
>  images)
> *
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> Google<http://www.google.com/url?ct=abg&q=https://www.google.com/adsense/support/bin/request.py%3Fcontact%3Dabg_afc%26url%3Dhttp://www.gizmag.com/straining-graphene-creates-strong-pseudo-magnetic-fields/15891/%253Futm_source%253DGizmag%252BSubscribers%2526utm_campaign%253Dff88a5c465-UA-2235360-4%2526utm_medium%253Demail%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dca-pub-1607124478120364%26adU%3Dwww.afmworkshop.com%26adT%3DAFM%2B-%2B%252424,950%26adU%3Dwww.UsWaterSystems.com%26adT%3DLab%2BWater%2BRO%2BSystems%26adU%3Dwww.qualityvetlab.com%26adT%3DQuality%2BVeterinary%2BLab%26adU%3Dwww.GorillaScientific.com%26adT%3DLaboratory%2BSupplies%26gl%3DUS&usg=AFQjCNEmZKH8Wg7H20fI_Oh2WnouLcS9rA>
> Graphene <http://www.gizmag.com/tag/graphene/>, the one-atom-thick
> material made up of a honeycomb lattice of carbon atoms, has produced yet
> another in a long list of experimental surprises. Its remarkable properties
> have already got researchers excited regarding its applications for faster
> computers<http://www.gizmag.com/graphene-interconnects-integrated-circuits/11934/>,
> cheaper and more efficient 
> batteries<http://www.gizmag.com/adding-graphene-to-titanium-dioxide/12917/>and
>  vastly higher density mass
> data 
> storage<http://www.gizmag.com/graphit-mass-data-storage-circuit-design/12788/>.
> Now researchers have reported the creation of pseudo-magnetic fields far
> stronger than the strongest magnetic fields ever sustained in a laboratory –
> just by putting the right kind of strain onto a patch of graphene. The
> breakthrough could have far reaching scientific applications.
> “We have shown experimentally that when graphene is stretched to form
> nanobubbles on a platinum substrate, electrons behave as if they were
> subject to magnetic fields in excess of 300 tesla, even though no magnetic
> field has actually been applied,” says Michael Crommie, a faculty senior
> scientist in the Materials Sciences Division at the U.S. Department of
> Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory <http://www.lbl.gov/> and a
> professor of physics at the University of California at 
> Berkeley<http://berkeley.edu/>who headed a multi-institutional team of 
> researchers who made the discovery.
> “This is a completely new physical effect that has no counterpart in any
> other condensed matter system.”
> Crommie notes that “for over 100 years people have been sticking materials
> into magnetic fields to see how the electrons behave, but it’s impossible to
> sustain tremendously strong magnetic fields in a laboratory setting.” The
> current record is 85 tesla for a field that lasts only thousandths of a
> second. When stronger fields are created, the magnets blow themselves apart.
> The ability to make electrons behave as if they were in magnetic fields of
> 300 tesla or more – just by stretching graphene – offers a new window on a
> source of important applications and fundamental scientific discoveries
> going back over a century. This is made possible by graphene’s electronic
> behavior, which is unlike any other material’s.
> A carbon atom has four valence electrons; in graphene (and in graphite, a
> stack of graphene layers), three electrons bond in a plane with their
> neighbors to form a strong hexagonal pattern, like chicken-wire. The fourth
> electron sticks up out of the plane and is free to hop from one atom to the
> next. The latter pi-bond electrons act as if they have no mass at all, like
> photons. They can move at almost one percent of the speed of light.
> Behavior predicted
> The idea that a deformation of graphene might lead to the appearance of a
> pseudo-magnetic field first arose even before graphene sheets had been
> isolated, in the context of carbon nanotubes (which are simply rolled-up
> graphene). In early 2010, theorist Francisco Guinea of the Institute of
> Materials Science of Madrid and his colleagues developed these ideas and
> predicted that if graphene could be stretched along its three main
> crystallographic directions, it would effectively act as though it were
> placed in a uniform magnetic field. This is because strain changes the bond
> lengths between atoms and affects the way electrons move between them. The
> pseudo-magnetic field would reveal itself through its effects on electron
> orbits.
> Prediction confirmed
> The theory was confirmed when Crommie’s research group had been using a
> scanning tunneling microscope to study graphene monolayers grown on a
> platinum substrate. A scanning tunneling microscope works by using a sharp
> needle probe that skims along the surface of a material to measure minute
> changes in electrical current, revealing the density of electron states at
> each point in the scan while building an image of the surface.
> <http://www.gizmag.com/straining-graphene-creates-strong-pseudo-magnetic-fields/15891/picture/118642/>
> “It showed nanobubbles, little pyramid-like protrusions, in a patch of
> graphene on the platinum surface,” Crommie says, “and associated with the
> graphene nanobubbles there were distinct peaks in the density of electron
> states.”
> Close examination of the triangular bubbles revealed that their
> chicken-wire lattice had been stretched precisely along the three axes
> needed to induce the strain orientation that Guinea and his coworkers had
> predicted would give rise to pseudo-magnetic fields. The greater the
> curvature of the bubbles, the greater the strain, and the greater the
> strength of the pseudo-magnetic field. In some cases the increased density
> of electron states revealed by scanning tunneling spectroscopy indicated
> giant pseudo-magnetic fields of 300 tesla or more.
> “Getting the right strain resulted from a combination of factors,” Crommie
> says. “To grow graphene on the platinum we had exposed the platinum to
> ethylene” – a simple compound of carbon and hydrogen – “and at high
> temperature the carbon atoms formed a sheet of graphene whose orientation
> was determined by the platinum’s lattice structure.”
> To get the highest resolution from the scanning tunneling microscope, the
> system was then cooled to a few degrees above absolute zero. Both the
> graphene and the platinum contracted – but the platinum shrank more, with
> the result that excess graphene pushed up into bubbles, measuring four to 10
> nanometers (billionths of a meter) across and from a third to more than two
> nanometers high.
> Implications
> “Controlling where electrons live and how they move is an essential feature
> of all electronic devices,” says Crommie. “New types of control allow us to
> create new devices, and so our demonstration of strain engineering in
> graphene provides an entirely new way for mechanically controlling
> electronic structure in graphene. The effect is so strong that we could do
> it at room temperature.”
> The opportunities for basic science with strain engineering are also huge.
> For example, in strong pseudo-magnetic fields electrons orbit in tight
> circles that bump up against one another, potentially leading to novel
> electron-electron interactions. Says Crommie, “this is the kind of physics
> that physicists love to explore.”
> A paper detailing the discovery, “Strain-induced pseudo-magnetic fields
> greater than 300 tesla in graphene nanobubbles,” appears in the July 30
> issue of Science.
> --
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