True, Mr Worf. But I'm hoping that the Noisy Cricket exists, because it is,
IMO, the perfect weapon. If you're caught after using it, just hold it up
and say, "I'm supposed to have done all of that with THIS little thing?

On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 10:13 PM, Mr. Worf <> wrote:

> Most of the guns in this post are real. The one used by Robocop is a
> Russian anti-tank gun from WW2. (they used it in that Russian timetravel
> movie I posted.) The gun from the 5th element something similar is a
> prototype Army weapon.
> On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 6:47 PM, Kelwyn <> wrote:
>> 10 Intimidating Movie Weapons That Kill What Needs Killin'
>> Say hello to our gigantic friends.
>> By: Matthew Freeman
>> 07/22/2010 09:41 am
>> When building a fantasy arsenal, it's wise to choose raw firepower first,
>> and fearsome aesthetics second. Thankfully, these classic movie rifles and
>> guns possess both. They wreak unholy havoc and look cool. Even the made-up
>> ones are the stuff Delta Force dreams are made (who knows, today's elite
>> commandos could be tomorrow's Space Marines).
>> Tremble before our list of iconic boom sticks and super pistols!
>> *The Joker's Long Revolver (Batman, 1989)*
>> Tim Burton's original *Batman* was hardly just a hardboiled morality
>> play. It was also a wonderland of weirdness. In one physics-defying moment,
>> Batman is bearing down on the Joker in his Bat Plane, when the Joker reaches
>> into his pants and whips out a gun with a barrel the size of his leg. It's a
>> revolver that shoots a plane out of the sky. In Burton-land, bigger is
>> definitely better. Maybe that's how he landed Helena Botham Carter.
>> *Prawn Guns (District 9, 2009)*
>> *District 9* might have been an Oscar-nominated treatise on apartheid,
>> but it's got an underrated cool factor. Exhibit A are the alien's guns. They
>> only work when activated by Prawn DNA, or something like that. Whatever.
>> They shoot blue lightning, they're friggin' huge, and they make everything
>> they touch explode into bloody flaming meat.
>> *Zorg's ZF-1 Gun (The Fifth Element, 1997)*
>> In a memorable moment, Gary Oldman, channeling Ross Perot, displays the
>> ZF-1. Features include homing bullets, a rocket launcher, an arrow launcher,
>> a flamethrower, a freezing spray, and incongruously, a net. This isn't a
>> gun: it's an army. The movie is a cult classic. Zorg's ZF-1 is just classic.
>> *The Golden Gun (The Man With The Golden Gun, 1974)*
>> In *The Man With The Golden Gun*, Roger Moore's James Bond faces off with
>> assassin Francisco Scaramanga, played by the lord of all creeps Christopher
>> Lee. Scaramanga uses The Golden Gun, a gun made entirely of gold, which can
>> kill a man with a single shot. In the world of 007, after all, the most
>> expensive solution is always the best.
>> *M56 Smart Gun (Aliens, 1986)*
>> The M56 Smart Gun is the weapon of choice of the Colonial Maries in James
>> Cameron's action classic*Aliens*. The gun itself is attached with a
>> harness and moves in one fluid motion as it sprays targets with bucketfuls
>> of bullets. In an added bonus, it attaches to the front of the sexually
>> ambiguous Vasquez in a way that conjures up exotic sex shop Toys in
>> Babeland.
>> *The Noisy Cricket (Men in Black,1997)*
>> Both the *Men In Black* movies are pretty close to becoming relics of the
>> 1990s, but they did memorably send-up action standards. For example, when
>> Will Smith's Agent J gets his first hi-tech gun, it's smaller than a
>> hypodermic needle. He rolls his eyes. Of course, it decimates store fronts
>> and cars, and spends him flying backwards each time he pulls the trigger.
>> Despite the Noisy Cricket's firepower, however, when J finally gets a bigger
>> gun he says "That's what I'm talkin' about." Maybe size doesn't matter, but
>> it sure looks cool.
>> *Big Baby (Hellboy 2: The Golden Army, 2008)*
>> "You woke up the baby." Sayeth Hellboy in Guillmero del Toro's sequel. Bad
>> news for the bad guys. Hellboy's gun is cartoonishly proportioned with
>> bullets the size of soup cans. On the stock is the drawing of a cigar
>> chomping infant, itching for a fight. It even has it's own special carrying
>> case, like he's taking it to private music lessons. Violins equals violence,
>> after all.
>> *Cobra Assault Cannon (Robocop, 1987)*
>> Paul Verhooven's 1987 action classic Robocop was a loopy mix of satire and
>> grim violence. There's nary a scene where a hand gun isn't on display. One
>> of the film's most prominent guns is the Cobra Assault Cannon: a sniper
>> rifle on steroids that fires explosives. Originally, the "cannon" is given
>> to Robocop's criminal enemies so they can scrap him. In a handy twist,
>> Robocop uses the same weapon to spectacularly eliminate the automated
>> enforcement droid during the film's climax.
>> *Ol' Painless (Predator, 1987)*
>> Jesse "The Body" Ventura has had quite a life: wrestling personality,
>> Governor of Minnesota, actor, conspiracy theorist. In one of his earliest
>> film roles, he appeared as Blain Cooper in Predator, effectively one of the
>> most iconic red shirts of the 1980s. He carries a massive minigun, the sort
>> that you'd usually find attached to a helicopter. Absurdly destructive,
>> probably impractically heavy, this gun clearly inspired more than 20 years
>> of video games designers.
>> *Sawed Off Shotgun (Mad Max, 1979)*
>> Before Mel Gibson's descent into ranty diva madness, he was Mad Max. In
>> the apocalyptic world of Mad Max and also in *The Road Warrior*, Max
>> treats his shotgun the way John Steinbeck treated his dog Charley. Sadly,
>> *Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome** *replaces the sawed off shot gun with a
>> bunch of orphans and Tina Turner.
> --
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"If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell
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