You know that the fines will be pretty big. I'm guessing over $200 Million.
Intel Settles Anti-Competition Claim
Luke Sharrett/The New York Times

Jon Leibowitz, the chairman of the Federal Trade Commission, held up a
microchip at the press conference announcing the settlement.
August 4, 2010

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WASHINGTON — The Federal Trade Commission and
on Wednesday that they had agreed to settle charges of
anticompetitive behavior that the agency claimed stifled competition in the
market for computer processing and graphics chips.

The settlement prohibits Intel from the practice of paying customers to buy
its computer chips exclusively or to refuse to buy chips from other
manufacturers. It also prohibits Intel from redesigning its chips purely to
harm a competitor. Intel also agreed not to retaliate against computer
makers if they do business with non-Intel suppliers.

In addition, the settlement
<>requires Intel to modify
agreements with other chip makers giving them the
freedom to merge or form joint ventures without the threat of being sued by
Intel for patent infringement. Intel is also required to maintain for at
least six years a feature that will not limit the performance of graphics
processing chips made by others, and to disclose that its computer compilers
might discriminate between its chips and those of other companies, and
therefore not might register all of the features of non-Intel chips.

The trade commission brought its suit in

claiming that Intel, the world’s leading computer chip maker, has illegally
used its dominant market position for at least a decade to stifle
competition and strengthen its monopoly.

The agency has no legal authority to assess fines, although it can bring a
civil suit for future violations of its settlement order. And the settlement
requires Intel to establish a $10 million fund to help business customers
reformulate their software products if they were misled by Intel.

Jon Leibowitz, the chairman of the F.T.C., said that the settlement
“provides ‘fencing-in’ protection to ensure that Intel doesn’t come up with
new ways to undermine competition.”

“Just as important, it provides this relief right away, so it helps
consumers now, which is critical in a dynamic industry such as this one,”
Mr. Leibowitz said.

The commission will now seek public comment before the settlement is

In a 
Intel’s general counsel, A. Douglas Melamed, said the settlement allowed the
company “to put an end to the expense and distraction of the F.T.C.

"This agreement provides a framework that will allow us to continue to
compete and to provide our customers the best possible products at the best
prices," Mr. Melamed said. In agreeing to the settlement, Intel did not
admit to any wrongdoing or that the accusations were true.

The agency brought its claims under Section 5 of the F.T.C. Act, a law that
is broader than the antitrust laws and that also affords Intel a measure of
protection against private lawsuits that could subject it to stiff financial

Unlike an antitrust violation, a violation of Section 5 cannot be used to
establish liability for plaintiffs to seek triple damages in private
litigation against the same defendant.

Advanced Micro 
Intel’s main rival, settled its own antitrust claims against Intel in
November with Intel agreeing to pay $1.25 billion. New York State still has
litigation pending against Intel.

Intel has spent years squaring off against regulators in Asia, Europe and
the United States over charges tied to anticompetitive business practices.
Last May, the European
Intel with a record $1.45 billion fine, concluding that the company
hampered competition in the market for PC and computer server chips.

Most of the previous actions against Intel focused on claims that the
company used rebates and other payment programs to keep computer makers and
retailers from selling products with A.M.D.’s chips.

>From about 2003 to 2006, A.M.D. offered a line of chips that analysts and
many computer makers hailed as superior to Intel’s products. Executives from
A.M.D. contended that Intel blunted the adoption of these chips through its
financial arrangements.

The F.T.C.’s complaint tread familiar ground but also raised questions about
Intel’s behavior in the graphics chip market, which is dominated by
A.M.D. Since the agency filed its complaints, Intel has tempered an
effort to enter the market for stand-alone graphics chips that go into home
and business computers. Instead, Intel has declared its intention to focus
on competing against Nvidia and A.M.D. through a niche chip designed to
handle scientific and industrial applications.

The various legal actions against Intel, based in Santa Clara, Calif., have
brought to light numerous unflattering e-mails exchanged between the
company’s top executives and customers.

In particular, communications between Intel and Dell have shown executives
talking about rebates bestowed on Dell for its decision to abstain from
A.M.D.’s products. In one such exchange, Paul S.
the chief executive at Intel, described Dell as “the best friend money can

Last month, Dell paid $100 million to settle accounting fraud charges
leveled by the Securities and Exchange
to the rebates it received from Intel.

Intel has recovered well from a severe drop-off in sales during the heart of
the recession and has posted record results in recent quarters. A.M.D. has
spent the last couple of years trying to restructure its business and
improve its financial performance. The company withdrew from the expensive
chip manufacturing business and now concentrates on designing chips.

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