Allowing private businesses to manage themselves... that's had a great track
record of success in the past.

Enron... Worldcom... Merrill Lynch...

On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 11:58 PM, brent wodehouse <> wrote:

> (Note: The CEO and president of the company is a sister!)
> ------------------------------------
> Pentagon's space partner eyes new frontiers
> Secretive Aerospace Corp., which makes sure that contractors' work on
> classified government space projects is being done properly, could find a
> new niche in the private sector.
> By W.J. Hennigan, Los Angeles Times
> August 4, 2010
> Aerospace Corp.'s warren of low-rise office buildings in El Segundo offers
> little clue to the work that goes on behind the double security doors,
> where thousands of scientists and [
> ]U.S. Air Force officers toil in secrecy.
> The company, which gets almost all of its funding from the Pentagon, is
> responsible for overseeing many of the nation's most classified programs,
> including the development of multibillion-dollar spy satellites and
> rockets that lift them into space.
> "I've spent most of my life keeping secrets in this business," said Joseph
> F. Wambolt, 76, a rocket propulsion engineer who joined Aerospace the year
> it was founded 50 years ago and still won't divulge what he's working on,
> even to his wife. "At Aerospace, we've always tried to keep a low profile."
> But the days of lying low may be over.
> Wanda M. Austin, president and chief executive of Aerospace, said she saw
> the El Segundo-based research center taking on new roles that could
> increasingly bring it out from under the shroud of secrecy.
> Under President Obama's proposal to outsource more space missions to
> private ventures, the government will want more oversight of missions
> carried out by private businesses, such as Hawthorne's Space Exploration
> Technologies Corp., or SpaceX.
> Aerospace could be the organization to do that, Austin said.
> "There's a new energy and a new direction for space," she said. "We're
> excited about the promise that the industry holds for us."
> Aerospace is neither a defense contractor nor part of the Air Force, which
> manages military space programs.
> Rather, Aerospace is a federally funded brain trust for the Pentagon's
> $26-billion space program, which far exceeds [
> ]NASA's budget of $18 billion and has increased almost 90% since 2000.
> Although it's not well known outside defense circles, it is regarded as
> one of the nation's most important assets.
> Aerospace scientists oversee the technical side of contracts awarded to
> defense firms to make sure the work is being done properly. A separate
> Pentagon agency audits the contracts.
> The firm also provides consultation and advice to both the government and
> the defense industry on how to best develop spacecraft. In all, 87% of its
> budget comes from military contracts and the rest from civilian government
> agencies such as NASA.
> "Aerospace is the glue to the Pentagon's space infrastructure," said John
> Pike, director of, a website for military policy
> research. "It's an independent voice that's has become a vital component
> to national security."
> Despite proposed cutbacks in Pentagon spending, Aerospace's budget
> increased to $868 million last year — its largest — and Austin believes it
> will be busier than ever in the coming years.
> In addition to its potential new role for private space ventures, the
> National Reconnaissance Office, or NRO, the umbrella organization that
> operates spy satellites, has said it's set to begin "the most aggressive"
> launch schedule it has undertaken in 25 years. That is expected to keep
> Aerospace engineers and scientists busy for a while.
> The research center was formed in 1960 at the height of the Cold War as a
> way to avoid a potential conflict of interest. At the time, a technology
> company was about to begin development of a spacecraft, but it was also
> advising the Pentagon on what kind of space systems it should consider
> funding.
> That company, Thompson Ramo Wooldridge Inc., or TRW, spun off its Space
> Technology Laboratories, the predecessor to Aerospace.
> Simon Ramo, co-founder of TRW, which was later acquired by Century
> City-based [
> ]Northrop Grumman Corp., said he wanted to begin making space hardware but
> that it posed an obvious conflict of interest for the company.
> "We couldn't tell the Air Force what to do in space on one side of our
> mouth, and then on the other side tell them that we'd build it for them,"
> Ramo said.
> Since it was formed, Aerospace has built a reservoir of talent that's more
> comparable to a major university. Aerospace has produced more than 68,000
> scientific papers on a wide variety of space-related topics. Its staff now
> features 831 scientists and engineers with doctorate degrees.
> Aerospace also helps the Air Force monitor rocket launches. Engineers pore
> over data and the fine print to make sure everything is in its right
> place. A misplaced decimal point can turn billions of dollars' worth of
> intricate hardware into blazing debris in just a fraction of a second.
> The company's 41-acre campus sits across the street from Los Angeles Air
> Force Base, which oversees military rocket development. The two complexes
> are linked by a 135-foot bridge over El Segundo Boulevard.
> Aerospace recently built a $66-million building with a space launch center
> in the basement. Resembling NASA's mission control center in Houston, the
> facility allows Aerospace engineers to keep real-time tabs on rocket
> launches at [
> ]Cape Canaveral, Fla., or Vandenberg Air Force Base. They monitor incoming
> data streams looking for anomalies and can order the launch to be scrubbed
> if there are any.
> Since Aerospace has kept a close watch, the Pentagon has had a string of
> 65 consecutive successful launches stretching back to 1999.
> "That kind of reliability is unprecedented," said [
> ]Gary
> Payton, who last week retired as deputy undersecretary of the Air Force
> for space programs.
> It may cost $20 million to $30 million more in launch costs for the type
> of "mission assurance" that Aerospace provides, but it's well-worth it, he
> said. "I would like to save money on a launch. But if the launch vehicle
> fails, I splash a $2-billion satellite."
> In May, the Air Force launched the first of a new generation of GPS
> satellites, part of an $8-billion upgrade designed to make the system more
> reliable, more accessible and much more accurate. A failure could have set
> the GPS upgrade back a year or more and cost taxpayers hundreds of
> millions of dollars.
> "Aerospace has the kind of expertise to help ensure our launches" are
> successful, Payton said. "It's a brain trust that's unmatched."
> <>
> Copyright © 2010, [ ]Los Angeles Times

"If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell
wrote the script?" -- Charles E Grant

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