I need to catch the ending again. I swear it sounds as if the narrator said the 
universe was over a hundred billion light years wide??? I know that the 
*observable* universe is only about 14 billion light years wide because that's 
as far as light can have traveled in the 14 billion years the universe has been 
around. And I know there's the widely accepted theory of "Inflation", in which 
the cosmos expanded faster than light at one point (before the "superforce" 
split into the four basic ones). So I guess Inflation could account for that. 
At one point, I thought it was theorized that the expansion on the outer "edge" 
was still taking place at FTL speeds? Not sure, but need to look into that. 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Martin Baxter" <martinbaxt...@gmail.com> 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, August 6, 2010 8:28:36 AM 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Great Shows on The History Channel Today 

I finally did catch it, Keith. DirecTV showed it on an offset channel at 8. 

On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 5:00 PM, Keith Johnson < keithbjohn...@comcast.net > 

That ep of the Universe will air again at 6 pm EST. The Bruce Lee special is 
halfway through its rerun right now (5 pm EST). There's a later a new ep 
dealing with Mars. I may catch some again, juggling between that and "Shark 
Week" on Discovery. I may have to forego watching the new eps of "Burn Notice", 
"Royal Pains", and "White Collar", but since those shows are rerun eleventy 
million times, it's not a problem. 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Martin Baxter" < martinbaxt...@gmail.com > 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, August 5, 2010 3:40:34 PM 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Great Shows on The History Channel Today 

Thanks, Keith, though I've probably missed the entire run (just walked in from 
the street). Hope that ep of the Universe cycles again somewhere on DirecTV 
(lately, they've been doing just that). 

On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 2:04 PM, Keith Johnson < keithbjohn...@comcast.net > 

The History Channel is running great shows today, including a two-hour feature 
on the important contributions of Bruce Lee to martial arts, physical fitness, 
and culture...several eps of "The Universe", including a fascinating two-hour 
show about the Big Bang and the ultimate fate of the universe, which at the 
moment is the "Big Rip", when all matter will rip apart to leave a dead 
cosmos...and a couple of shows exploring the history of comic book superheroes 
and their influence on culture throughout the decades. 

Good stuff. 


"If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell 
wrote the script?" -- Charles E Grant 


"If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell 
wrote the script?" -- Charles E Grant 


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