i've been looking for good science fiction for a while now.  since 
butler's passing i've mourned the fact that we don't have anyone that 
is able to effectively put the urban african american experience in 
their speculative stuff.  the closest we have is steven barnes, but 
his work doesn't move me for a number of reasons.

cory doctorow was supposed to be the second coming, and while some of 
his work deals with interesting ideas, the lack of a hip-hop/electro/
house groove is painfully evident.  vanilla has more flavor.

then i got hipped to ACCELERANDO.

now let me be clear.  ACCELRANDO doesn't have black people.  only one 
non-white character that i am aware of.  and there's not a phat beat 
in there to save his life.

but the ideas the author throws out...several per page in some 
instances...are provocative enough that i actually ignored the lack 
of race.  kind of like a futuristic CRYPTONOMICON.

maybe it's me though.

what did other folks think?


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