From: "David Wright" <dwright...@yahoo.com>
Subject: Searching for Telepathic Children novel (not Wyndham)
Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 18:36:19 -0700

Hello SF-Litties

I have a book ID question that requires some additional help and 
sleuthing. Here is is:

"I am looking for a book that I believe I read in the 1980's. It 
involved several women who were all mothers, and suddenly their 
children started communicating with each other telepathically. When 
the children "spoke" mind-to-mind, the writing was in italics. By the 
end of the book, everyone was speaking in italics, or telepathically. 
I originally thought that it was a Doris Lessing book, but don't 
believe it is. It could be a science fiction book/author. Do you have 
any suggestions? I have tried Novelist, and my library's copy of 
Strictly Science Fiction and searched under "telepathy". I have also 
done general google searches using keywords like "children, 
telepathy, science fiction novel."

There are quite a few science fiction novels involving children or 
aliens and telepathy, but we have yet to locate one to match this 
description. Some findings so far: Wyndham's "Midwich Cuckoos" and 
McCaffrey's "The Rowan."

Any help appreciated!


David Wright
The Seattle Public Library
Fiction Librarian

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